Просмотр полной версии : About tablets

11.04.2006, 10:58
Hello, the doctor!
To me of 30 years. After 2 sorts or labors has decided to begin preservation OK. (before agents, including the spiral) Has handed over the analyses ordered all, is not present disturbances, and the doctor has given :, zhanin, logest. Has told or said what to accept any of them who will approach or suit me. Ridiculously! With what to begin?

12.04.2006, 14:59
To begin reception of hormonal contraceptives, it is necessary to exclude hormonal disturbances from ovaries (a cyst, a cystoma), a thyroid gland. For this purpose advisory survey of the gynecologist and the endocrinologist is necessary. After delivery of a blood hormonal contraceptives are appointed or nominated to a hormonal background at absence of a pathology.
The listed preparations nizkodozirovannye also approach or suit practically to all in the age of till 40-42 years, are well transferred or carried, not causing by-effects. The scheme or plan of reception of tablets is identical, a difference only in firms-manufacturers and the prices.

http: // www.medhelp-clinic.ru/foto/foto25.jpg
Yours faithfully, the doctor the -gynecologist of the maximum or supreme category Olejnikova Elena Vladimirovna
http: // www.medhelp-clinic.ru/resume25.shtml

19.06.2006, 19:30
Hello, the doctor!
To me of 30 years. After 2 sorts or labors has decided to begin preservation OK. (before agents, including the spiral) Has handed over the analyses ordered all, is not present disturbances, and the doctor has given :, zhanin, logest. Has told or said what to accept any of them who will approach or suit me. Ridiculously! With what to begin?

Begin with the first!