Просмотр полной версии : Polycystosis

05.06.2006, 00:12
To me of 19 years! At me frequent delays monthly! The doctor-gynecologist has diagnosed - a polycystosis. Tell or say please what is it such? Also what it is possible to expect from this illness or disease?

05.06.2006, 15:51
The polycystosis is a disease which leads to disturbance of hormonal function of ovaries, that is to dysfunction. If was well-timed to not begin treatment subsequently it will lead to sterility or barrenness. Come to us! We shall help or assist you!

http: // www.medhelp-clinic.ru/foto/foto16.jpg
Yours faithfully, the doctor the -gynecologist of the maximum or supreme category Golubeva Lina Aleksandrovna
http: // www.medhelp-clinic.ru/resume16.shtml