Просмотр полной версии : e a menses

Clear zorka
07.05.2006, 13:30
Me the question on absence of a menses interests. To me 31 year, 2 months of a menses is not present, pregnancy too is not present, what to me occurs or happens? How to be treated?

08.05.2006, 04:13
It is not always connected with illness or disease. The reasons of a delay can be long stresses, and also various physical influences on tazovuju a zone.

13.05.2006, 09:57
Hello at me from stresa were gone mesechnye and nebylo gdeto year 2 when I obrotilas to the doctor she to me have written out tablets, mesechnye at me have gone or send but at all much and on slejdushchy mesets have again stopped iti and already mesetsa 3 likely there is no doctor to me I have written out other tablets minulet read that from them very much pribovljajut vvese and when them cease to drink mesechnye again prikrashchjajutsja, whether therefore I am afraid of them to drink .posovetujte pozhalujsto it is necessary to me to drink them and that it is possible to make in general.

13.05.2006, 17:45
The stress cannot cause disappearance or eradication monthly for the whole two years. You need high-grade inspection (including US, obsledovnie on an infection and, probably, on the hormonal status), the distinct diagnosis and adequate treatment.
Monthly for the sake of monthly is a nonsense. The purpose treatment should become irreversible normalization of a status of genesial organs. The hormones appointed or nominated symptomatic, actually at random, not in a status to solve this problem. They are capable to create visibility of well-being only. At that, rather high by for health.
Behind proof disappearance or eradication monthly (even if it is provoked by external factors) always there is an infectious or toxic lesion of nervous system. If you do not remember the fact of a strong poisoning almost for certain it is a question of an infection.
You need to be checked up on an infection and if it is necessary, to eliminate or erase;remove them. If you in Moscow, it is better for making at us in the center since in our practice the most frequent reason of such status is not diagnosed and incurable usual methods chronic infection Chlamydia pneumoniae, kotorj we have methods of diagnostics and treatment.

21.05.2006, 12:01
At me a delay monthly for a month already. In general, they at me often are late, but is usual for a week a maximum. To me 18 years, a sexual life do not live. Recently went in other country for 2 weeks (heard, that monthly can be late because of change of a climate) then they at me send or have come under the plan, and now here are late. Still I recently sat on a kefiric diet one week (the truth has thrown off only 4 kg, then them and has typed or collected). No pains or other troubles are present. What is it can be?