Просмотр полной версии : How to be?

18.05.2006, 14:45
Zdrastvujte, the dear doctor! A floor of year back I have lost the child on term of 10 weeks (not developing pregnancy) .dlja me it was a shock. Have passed or have taken place with the husband inspection (that's all right), now we drink with it or him vitamins (vit. E and Acidum folicum), we go in for sports, t.e.staraemsja to be prepared to new ber-. But the matter is that I very much wish to become pregnant again, but I am afraid. I am afraid of repetition. And even, if again I shall become pregnant, I shall be daily nervous, being afraid, whether have stood ber- again. To not run every day to the doctor... neznaju as to do or make! Prompt, please!

20.05.2006, 11:12
Ameli, I though and not the doctor but as the person I can advise you is simple to forget that, what's happened and to become pregnant again bud for the first time. At me for this spring three girl-friends could not bear or take out pregnancy, it happens very much often. So it is not necessary to think of it or this constantly. All will be good!!!!