Просмотр полной версии : When to do or make uzi?

04.04.2006, 21:11
Hello! Tell or say in what day it is necessary to do or make uzi a small basin? Or put plays roles? When that to me spoke, cht ou me a polycystosis of ovaries here and horchetsja to look or see what there to be created. Spaisbo!

06.04.2006, 17:17
Uzi it is done or made in any day of a cycle.
Polycystosis of ovaries - (SPKJA or syndrome shtejn-?NoN?Oa?n)
It is enough seryoznoe disease and for its or his acknowledgement or confirmation it is required not only US, but also detailed hormonal inspection, at presence of the clinical displays more often shown in delays of a menses about several months, an obesity on the certain type in the raised or increased pilosis on man's type, etc. Often on US write - multifollicular or polycystic ovaries that is not separate disease, and can be only an attribute hormonal disbalansa, as a rule not demanding treatment.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

09.04.2006, 17:47
Hello! Would like to clear one question t.k addressed to doctors, but anything travelling for itself and has not found out. The matter is that from 16 years at me hair on man's type have started to appear and every year more increasing or more and more. Addressed to the gynecologist-endocrinologist. To me treatment Deksometozonom under the scheme or plan in current to a floor of year from for raised or increased Testosteron-Depotum has been appointed or nominated, and then I accepted to Diana 35 approximately also a floor of year. I have recovered on 10 kg. Jacobs Testosteron-Depotum has decreased, I have stopped to accept hormonal tablets and hair began to grow again. What that a vicious circle!!
It turns out, what prejdetsja to accept hormonal tablets all life and without discontinuing??
Tell or Say as approximately there is a treatment at the given disease, it is necessary to hand over what analyses and where it is better to address in With-NONOiOOuN??

10.04.2006, 08:17
In any day.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

15.04.2006, 18:31
What in any day?????????????

20.04.2006, 19:02
At increase of attributes giperandrogenii it is necessary to exclude virilizirujushchie tumours of ovaries or adrenals. Be not frightened, it is better to make superfluous inspections, than something to not see.
As if to contraceptives it is a preparation of a choice. JAichnikovyj Testosteron-Depotum decreases at reception OK since function of ovaries is switched off. There are also other antiandrogenic preparations used for treatment of a hirsutism.
I.e. all depends on your plans-if the cosmetic effect-it or -this;-thus one if plan pregnancy-absolutely other schemes or plans of therapy is necessary.