Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist to understand!!!

14.04.2006, 01:34
Zdrastvujte! Help or assist to understand please. I was pregnant 2 times. When did or made the test in the first pregnancy, he has shown 2 stria, but very weak. In total then I have made 8 tests to make sure. All 2 strias-one dark have shown, the second acyanotic. Then I had an abortion (term hardly less month) .vo the second pregnancy was too the brightest strip, the second is much more acyanotically. In a -not developing pregnancy on term of 9 weeks. Explain pozhaljsta why so occurs or happens? Indications of tests (in fact there should be both strias bright, instead of one are interconnected!) with unsuccessful beremennostjami? Really, if in following pregnancy the test again will show the second acyanotic stria it will mean, what pregnancy will interrupt? In advance thanks! Yours faithfully, Tatyana.

14.04.2006, 11:48
No.. House tests-only approximate reference point.
Habitual nevynashivaniem pregnancy 2 losses of pregnancy are called any: the spontaneous abortion, not developing pregnancy, premature birth or births, etc.

In such cases detailed inspection is desirable.
First of all on an infection: a smear method PTSR, bacteriological crop, a blood on antibodies to so-called TORCE to INFECTIONS.
Probably at repeated losses of pregnancy detailed inspection on virus infections: a blood on antibodies and urine on a viruria.
Hormonal, immune (AFS, anti HG antibodies, etc.) inspection. A blood on lupoid anticoagulant and gemostaziogramma or a coagulogram (coagulating system of a blood).
Sometimes it is necessary to spend inspection spermogrammy and genetic inspection of pair.
More often, after detailed inspection it manages to find the reason and to appoint or nominate treatment already at a stage of preparation for pregnancy and to continue its or his all pregnancy courses in interests as mums, and a fetus.
During pregnancy after 14-15 weeks the control for shejkoj uteruses is spent in some cases (when she is shortened and reveals - a -cervical failure) in some cases it is necessary to be imposed seams, i.e. "to sew up" shejku uteruses.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.