Просмотр полной версии : ottsvela?

09.04.2006, 18:05
To me 33, married 5 years. Children are not present, because did not try to do or make at all them for the objective reasons. Last year I observe changes in menstruatsii-became poor or scanty, before 3 high-grade days, now 1.1,5 went to the gynecologist on ..-have put dysfunction. But the menses comes as before, i.e. in time to the day, izmnilos only quality. Descended or went on uzi - the moderate endometriosis, readiness for an ovulation according to term. Handed over hormones FSG, LG, Prolactinum, Testosteron-Depotum, Oestradiolum, Progesteronum, all in norm or rate except for -SO4-8,4 ???y/l. Whether there can be such qualitative changes in a cycle only because of an endometriosis, or it already a climacterium? It is necessary to hand over still any analyses? There can be a menses poor or scanty because of a nervous breakdown (tablets I do not accept. But I drink valerjanu, Leonurus)? Uzist in general has advised to become pregnant more quickly since it helps or assists from an endometriosis, whether so it?

10.04.2006, 08:15
"UZIST" in general nothing has the rights and knowledge to advise, and the endometriosis on US is still far not the diagnosis.
Such change of a menses by dysfunction too it is impossible to name.
If you seryozno have decided to deal with this problem operate or work under the scheme or plan of sterility or barrenness.
Sterility or Barrenness is an absence of pregnancy at a regular sexual life without preservation within 1 year.
For finding-out of the reasons of sterility or barrenness it is necessary to pass or take place detailed inspection: spermogramma the husband, genetic inspection, a roentgen of a uterus for finding-out of permeability of pipes (hysterosalpingography), rectal temperature for 3 cycles, hormones of a blood (what? Is solved individually in each concrete case), inspection on an infection (a smear method PTSR and the analysis of a blood on ZPPP and bacteriological crop from shejki uteruses) to make the postcoital test, the analysis on antispermalnye antibodies...
Only after that it will be possible to diagnose (that is to find all the possible or probable reasons of sterility or barrenness) and to appoint or nominate corresponding or meeting treatment.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

10.04.2006, 20:19
Dear Feodor Nikolaevich, my question did not concern or touch sterilities or barrennesses. We with the husband are protected, since we do not plan while to have children . How to operate or work? From your answer I have only understood, that such cannot be from an endometriosis.

11.04.2006, 06:44
Then I do not see a problem. Character of the Menses varies in current of a life. It is admissible norm or rate.
To diagnose an endometriosis the US are necessary more seryoznye the bases, than.
I think, you do not have occasion for trouble.

The doctor gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

13.04.2006, 19:03
-S It is an androgen (a man's sexual hormone adrenal proishozhdenija.pri rising of its or his level the anovulation and as consequence or investigation, a poor or scanty menses is possible or probable. As the reason can be presence of inflammatory process in endometrii, therefore it is necessary for you to be surveyed carefully.