Просмотр полной версии : CYTOMEGALOVIRUS

05.04.2006, 15:02
Hello the doctor! Has handed over a blood.
At me the following :1. Cytomegalovirus IgG kolich. 69,27 aONn/ML 2. A virus of simple herpes 2 IgG (1 41,9 Nn/ml 3. Toksoplazma IgG (N) <5 Nn/ml 4. The rubella (Rubella) IgG (N) 165 Nn/ml .pomogite to understand, I understand nothing in these digits. The doctor speaks, treatment will cost not cheaply (200 dollars) one prodtsedura. Whether advise it is necessary to spend such money. And in general how much or as far as all is dangerous. Thanks in advance all who otkliknitsja.

06.04.2006, 17:24
Rubella you hurted or were ill;were sick and you have to her an immunity.
It is possible to forget about her.
In occasion of TSMV And VPG I cannot be so categorical as your doctor.
It is necessary survey and detailed conversation, only after that it will be possible to find out how much or as far as seryozna a situation and in what volume to spend treatment.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.