Просмотр полной версии : Disturbance MTS. Djufaston.

04.04.2006, 07:59
Till May, 2005 I of one and a half year accepted trezfaznye OK. Then OK to drink has ceased, a usual menses duration that 33, 38 days has gone or sends. Then the last 2 cycles have gone or send for 53 days.
US has shown multifollicular ovaries, the left ovary of the usual sizes, right - it is increased. UZi did or made for 13 day MTS, endometry - 6 mm.
Handed over for 6 day of a cycle analyses on FSG, LG, TTG, etc. - all in norm or rate!
The doctor having seen, that endometriyj small, has registered to have a drink djufaston with 15 for 25 day MTS. And on a question why at me last 2 cycles such long steel, has responded, what is it there can be a hormonal failure, or stress. And since at me with hormones all in norm or rate, means, it is stress. THOUGH I shall not remember any stress.
Having learned or Having found out, that djufaston accept strictly only AFTER an ovulation, I have begun to doubt it or him to drink. Suddenly at me in this cycle will be again 50 with superfluous day, and the ovulation will not be in general or will be only for any 30-th day, what for to me to drink this djufaston???

Also tell or say still please if I shall leave all as is, anything, any hormonal, OK I shall not drink-accept, than it can threaten me in the future? (in the future I wish to have children).
Can be so, what it is necessary to wait simply and all will come itself in norm or rate?

04.04.2006, 15:56
Hello! Your situation uneasy as you have not specified your age, your gynecologic anamnesis (pregnancy is unknown?, labors?). Come on reception to clinic, we necessarily shall help or assist you!