Просмотр полной версии : IAZH

21.02.2006, 15:18
Has read through on your site, that the index of an amnionic liquid in 20-21 week of pregnancy is defined or determined as the sum of two bottom kvadrantah... Went on US 20-21 ned, the child corresponds or meets to term, but an index spljusovala in four kvadrantah... As a result the n?-hydramnion.... Or the doctor is incompetent or depends on US of the apparatus and technics or technical equipment of measurement... At me the panic begins

22.02.2006, 17:07
All these indexes - are not so correct.
The hydramnion is a bad attribute, but necessary to estimate or appreciate all situation in a complex.

The doctor gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.