Просмотр полной версии : Whether I could become pregnant?

09.02.2006, 22:13
Hello, the doctor! It is direct I do not know, as to think. HERE what situation: I almost had not protected sexual certificate or act, almost, because my pier. The person could not enter into me, I the virgin. Whether I if he did not enter into me could become pregnant, but tried. At it or him on a head, from dyrochki the small droplet, exactly in exactly as water has flowed out, I have erased it or her and at all have not given value or meaning;importance. After that he tried to enter. In 11 days, at me as it is necessary have begun monthly, but there were they not longly, usually 7 days, and this time 4, but went strongly. Has passed or has taken place more month, sexual certificates or acts, at me was not, at me a delay for 11 days, and such did not happen. Often in the mornings toshnit. Bought the test for pregnancy (about 3 days ago), the test has shown, that pregnancy is not present. Began to type or collect weight, and at body height 158, I weigh 43 kg and could not though slightly to type or collect in any way. Appetite also has woken up. Tell or say please, whether pregnancy is possible or probable? And if is not present, that with me such. In advance thanks, also I am sorry for the incorrect statement of the ideas.

11.02.2006, 18:39
ber- it is improbable, but all costs or stands First of all it is necessary to exclude probability of pregnancy. Address to the gynecologist - Hand over a blood on HGCH and make US. House tests are not always reliable.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.