Просмотр полной версии : Polycystosis

20.01.2006, 14:14
Tell or Say, please, it is necessary to hand over what analyses before the beginning of reception of hormonal contraceptives? At me a polycystosis of ovaries, now a delay of 38 days. Was on US, pregnancy is not present. The sizes of ovaries: left 38*22*39, right 45*24*34. The doctor advises to wait monthly (if will not be through 2 weeks to cause or call Progesteronum) and to start to accept JArinu. What will you advise? Thanks.

21.01.2006, 19:24
While I do not see SPKJA. Before TO APPOINT or NOMINATE TREATMENT it is necessary TO be surveyed.
Syndrome of polycystic ovaries (SPKJA or syndrome shtejn-?NoN?Oa?n)
The syndrome of polycystic ovaries is very serious disease. For statement of such diagnosis it is necessary to address to the gynecologist-endocrinologist and it is necessary to pass or take place seryoznoe hormonal inspection. Only by results of hormonal inspection it will be possible to put such diagnosis with confidence. It is not enough given US (often at US write the conclusion multicystic (sometimes polycystic) ovaries are not the diagnosis and as a rule such status does not demand treatment).
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.