Просмотр полной версии : Allocation

18.01.2006, 07:56
At me a duration of gestation of 28-29 weeks. Last 2-3 weeks at me have appeared very plentiful allocation yellow or even flavovirent color, without a special smell, not transparent. Per day there is no one lining (thin daily) since all soaks through.
When was registered have diagnosed: erosion of ?/m, a colpitis. Also at me a regional placental presentation on edge or territory of internal fauces (a low placenta speak), therefore treatments (i.e. sanations) do not appoint or nominate. Laid in hospital of 10 days, the placenta has risen on 2 see After that has passed or has taken place a month. A trace. The US in this occasion will be in a week. Went already 2 times on reception, I complain on these or it of allocation, but the doctor does not react in any way -as if it and should be? Even the smear does not take.
Prompt as to me to be? And what is it can mean? It is connected with my "sores"?
And a sexual life to live it is possible?
Thankful in advance.

18.01.2006, 08:19
It is an obvious infection.
This inflammation of a vulva and vagina is possible or probable, there can be a thrush.
Without analyses to define or determine difficultly as the majority of infections proceed equally and give similar displays: an itch, a smell, plentiful allocation and so on. Survey of the gynecologist and a capture not only a smear on flora, but also bacteriological crop, a smear method PTSR on ZPPP, the analysis of a blood on antibodies and carrying out of a colposcopy (survey under a microscope) is necessary. Only after that it will be possible to put the correct diagnosis and to appoint or nominate corresponding or meeting complex treatment.
The selftreatment is noneffective more often, and sometimes even it is dangerous.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.