Просмотр полной версии : Treatment of a candidiasis

13.11.2005, 12:13
Hello! It is possible and whether use of a combination neo- in suppositories + naruzhno a cream "Pimafutsin" for treatment of a candidiasis of a vagina and external genitals is rational. Thankful in advance for the answer. Natalia.

13.11.2005, 23:04
Dobry day. At me obnaruzhyli ureoplazmy and mycoplasmas, and also papiloma a virus. Have attributed treatment for 14 days, tsykloferon, Clotrimazolum, and more tablets. Zdala repeated analyses in a month, also have again confirmed that that was. TSytologija normal. Have now attributed tsykloferon, lidazu.posovetujte how to be further. Papilomy small, 2 pieces, very small were all over again. How it is treated? Why does not pass or take place.

14.11.2005, 11:40
Nata! If it is prothat a candidiasis I do not see necessity in neo-.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

14.11.2005, 11:44
These infections are not treated by Clotrimazolum. Simply they are not sensitive to it or him;them. In occasion of miko and a ureaplasmosis other antibiotics are appointed or nominated absolutely. With papillomavirusom it is more complex or difficult.
The infection is curable, but treatment long enough and expensive. Repeated courses Are required some and at presence of condylomas - their cauterization. At absence of treatment there are relapsing inflammatory processes, an itch, allocation. Inflammatory processes after usual treatment arise again. Some kinds of a virus can lead to a cancer shejki uteruses.
It is necessary seryoznoe antiviral treatment with repeated courses and excision of condylomas during treatment. At the complex approach efficiency high enough and after 1 course manages to be cured already up to 50 % of patients.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

14.11.2005, 16:56
prochitalja your report, thanks. Skazhyte and what medicines it is necessary to accept at a mycoplasma and ureoplazme. Napishyte to me. And more, mozhnaimet intimate relations with the guy if he is healthy (shchob to not infect it or him)? Condoms will help or assist?

16.11.2005, 00:07
I wish to ask to you a question, to me have appointed or nominated Lydasum. I zdelala the first nyxis and at me have appeared alergija (reddening, bakes, and now there was there an ecchymosis) .ja have told or said about etom to the doctor, he omenil etot a preparation and has appointed or nominated Plasmolum. I have read through about it or him that he soderzhyt an extract donor krovy the person, and I am afraid to accept it or him. That he itself(himself) represents, and vobshche, whether it is necessary for me to accept it or him, respond me.

16.11.2005, 08:31
I do not understand with what purpose Lydasum and Plasmolum are appointed or nominated.
Any, even the most detailed description is not the basis that the doctor has incured the responsibility to put diagnoses, to advise and treat on the Internet. It is necessary to look. Read closely or attentively a site and never ask rhetorical questions - spare time. Moreover, if someone to you will answer such questions virtually, mine to you advice or council - do not take such answers seriously. For they - the proof of irresponsibility of the adviser.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

16.11.2005, 08:32
You deliberately wish to infect partner?

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.