Просмотр полной версии : polizhinaks

09.11.2005, 14:14
Good afternoon!

At me pregnancy of 26 weeks, in a smear mushrooms have found out
The doctor has appointed or nominated polizhinaks (6 days). Whether It is possible to apply it or him if in the instruction application during pregnancy is not recommended?
I already third time for pregnancy treat a colpitis
It can be necessary to treat and the husband that the infection did not come back? If yes, as? Than?
In advance I thank for the answer

10.11.2005, 13:17
If it only a thrush it is not clear what for polizhinaks. In itself there is an antibiotic. There are simple antimicotic preparations.
But treatment undersigns only on reception.
The husband certainly should be surveyed.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

10.11.2005, 21:36
Excuse, that I get, but I am am disturbed too with a problem with a thrush. So my doctor to me appointed or nominated both Terzhinan, And polizhinaks and Klionum-n, and Clotrimazolum, and pimafutsin. Voobshchem everything, that likely it is possible to insert: (.
Helps or Assists weeks on 2. And basically lekartsva - not only from a thrush, and there it is valid antibiotics in structure of is.
But than then to treat, if nothing helps or assists? In fact it is impossible to start a thrush. And whether harmfully constant treatment? polizhinaksom and Klionum-n yet did not use. Whether here I think costs or stands them? In fact it not antimicotic preparations.