Просмотр полной версии : Delay of a menses

It is glad
31.10.2005, 11:22
Hello! The third cycle has stopped to accept Three-?NO??. After the first cycle the menses has attacked 3 day after the termination or ending of packing, after the second cycle - for 4 day, after the third cycle - the sixth day, and the menses does not come. In the third cycle sexual attitudes or relations last time were on 9 tablet. Since 11 tablets, besides reception Three-?NO?? accepted Fromilid (I drink till now), Undevitum on 6 pieces a day (I drink till now), Tinidazolum, Dekaris and suppositories Geksikon. For all time of reception of antibiotics there was a full sexual rest under the insisting of the doctor. Whether my delay can to be caused or called by pregnancy? I read, that antibiotics weaken or easy action the COOK, and spermatozoons can live in an organism of the woman till 7 days.

It is glad
31.10.2005, 11:48
Has forgotten to specify, that for the second day after the termination or ending of packing Tri-Mersi there was one greater or big drop of a blood... And all: (Here also I do not know what to think...

31.10.2005, 19:08
If there are doubts For exception of pregnancy it is necessary to hand over the analysis of a blood on a hormone beta-Ou? and to make US. House tests-only approximate reference point. The diagnosis pregnancy is put only by the doctor the gynecologist on reception and on early terms (approximately 5-6 weeks) it is possible or probable only after inspection. Usually till 6-7 weeks at survey on an armchair it is complex or difficult to define or determine the come or stepped pregnancy.
In absentia anybody ber- will not define or determine.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.