Просмотр полной версии : giperprolaktinemija

22.10.2005, 13:20
29 years. The nurse. An extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis from both parties or sides in 2005 g (January and the extremity or end of September) on a background of sterility or barrenness of II tubal genesis. Ovaries are saved. It is recommended EKO, it is written down for November, 8th. At inspection a level of Prolactinum 942,0 (norm or rate of laboratory - 61 - 512). The analysis was done or made for the first time and unitary. Hormones of a thyroid gland - norm or rate. No somatic pathology is present. Reception of contraceptives is finished in March 2005. The QUESTION: whether it is required any doobsledovanie up to EKO or it is possible to come on the appointed or nominated procedure (I live in other republic).

22.10.2005, 15:42
It is necessary to address urgently to the gynecologist-endocrinologist for purpose or appointment of treatment. EKO it is possible to do or make only on a background of normalization of a level of Prolactinum.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.