Просмотр полной версии : The second life of ovaries

31.08.2005, 23:09
Hello the doctor. Whether tell or say please probably vostanovit function of ovaries after an irradiation if uzi has shown, that falikuly are available, and also whether the fertilization after chemio and radial therapy (even isskustvennoe) is possible or probable. Whether is though any chance or teoriticheskoe the assumption? Whether it is known medichinskoj experts such cases? And as cases samovostanovlenija functions of ovaries after such procedure? Thankful in advance

01.09.2005, 12:34
It is important to know what cancer and in what sdadii. ber- it is possible or probable not earlier than in 5 years and from the sanction of the oncologist.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

01.09.2005, 22:56
Dear Feodor Nikolaevich one year ago I vylichilas from an adenocarcinoma of 2 stages. Whether to me important to know it is possible to renew basically fuktsiju ovaries after an irradiation and himioteripii. At present I to do or make it am not going to, whether but I wish to know such procedure is possible or probable, whether who resorted to her? If there is no that professionals think of it or this in the theory. Please, give the developed or unwrapped answer.

03.09.2005, 09:46
Adenocarcinoma of that?

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.