Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy and vegetarianism

23.08.2005, 00:53
Whether tell or say please I high-grade zdorovenkogo can give birth to the kid if I do not use products of an animal parentage except for milk or dairy. To me everyone repeat around, that I can not, that the child to be born without any substances necessary for a life (can they have in view of the amino acid, containing in animal protein), that he cannot eat the same meat.... What pavor.... There Is a meat cannot... Also I do not want!! Prompt how to be in this case, really it is necessary to eat meat?? (probably, much on it seems it is ridiculous, the problem and is not present like - simply eat meat and if I cannot??!!!) here also I ask your advice or council. In advance thanks.

24.08.2005, 12:42
I do not know about health of the child. To a human body trubujutsja really irreplaceable amino acids which contain only in animal products. It is not enough milk.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

25.08.2005, 20:19
Means to you such pregnant women did not address?

27.08.2005, 17:55
If you do not use meat, but use cottage cheese in lots or plenties, and a fish - it or this it is enough egg. edinstvsennoe that - if the iron deficiency anemia will develop, meatless to lift a hemoglobin it will be simple iron preparations difficultly. Then it is necessary will through " not I can " there is a red meat as a medicine for the best mastering iron and treatment of an anemia. If eggs a fish - then it is not enough milk or dairy products.

27.08.2005, 21:50
Yes ... Thanks for the answer, and garnet juice? There in fact the gland is a lot of? Good, I shall go on a forum of Buddhists.))) once again thanks for consultation.

29.08.2005, 12:39
Neither garnet juice, nor apples, grechka will not help or assist for treatment of an anemia. Iron preparations and boiled red meat.