Просмотр полной версии : White allocation and uroplazma

24.08.2005, 23:35
Hello. To me 27. In half a year I plan pregnancy. In me in soskobe method TSPR have found out Ureaplazma parvum (on the analysis carried in FGUN the Central scientific research institute epidemiologii). The doctor has told or said, what is it it is possible to not treat, since it is not pathogenic. A usual smear on flora according to the doctor "good", leucocytes 5-8. But has just in case appointed or nominated suppositories Flagylum on 1 suppository 2 times a day within 5 days. And after - laktobakterii (too suppositories) 2 3 times in a week of 6 weeks. Whether these preparations influence contraceptive effect Tri-Mersi? And whether it is necessary to treat this version U. all the same? Complaints at me only on small white opaque the allocation, smelling yogurt (the candidiasis is not found out). Other problems are not present. Can it is not necessary aggravate with antibiotics, and be limited "Atsilaktom"?

25.08.2005, 15:34
Not clearly " But has just in case appointed or nominated suppositories Flagylum on 1 suppository 2 times a day within 5 days. " If all is good, zachem is appointed or nominated enough seryoznoe treatment?

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category gynecologist-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

25.08.2005, 16:27
So it at me both has raised the doubts. Therefore also I ask. All the same it is necessary uroplazmy to treat this kind or not? At gynecologic survey nicheg one obnarudeno, a smear on flora good. Complaints only on white allocation smelling yogurt. Neither the itch, nor another to volume similar is not present a pain.

25.08.2005, 16:30
Excuse, but you and have not responded, whether these preparations influence contraceptive effect Three-?NO???
Excuse, but it would be desirable to hear the real answer, t.k if I did not have a same question as you have set now to me, I would not ask you

25.08.2005, 16:39
Maria Mihajlovna! If to you it is not difficult, respond, please, to my questions written above. To me very important your opinion. I read your clause or article about uroplazme. Simply not all has understood. There it has been written, that it is not necessary to treat, if there are no inflammatory processes. And whether these or thus are white allocation by that inflammatory process or not? Therefore also it would be desirable, if to you it is not difficult, to hear your answers to the questions written in this subject. Excuse for troubling.

25.08.2005, 16:48
Diskusija among doctors goes. But the position of doctors when " that it is not necessary to treat if there are no inflammatory processes is not clear. And whether these or thus are white allocation by that inflammatory process or not? ". It is necessary to wait problems?
Allocation always an attribute of an inflammation!!!
It is necessary to search for the reason!!!

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.