Просмотр полной версии : Unpleasant sensations

19.08.2005, 13:24
I do not know, to itself now to address - to the gynecologist or the urologist. Please, advise. Vpros in the following:
One month ago it was treated for a ureaplasmosis and gardnerulyoza. The smears taken 3,5 weeks ago have shown absence ZPPP. Together with it or this it was treated for a cystitis. Accepted TSifran ODES. Has graduated 1,5 week ago. The doctor has told or said what to hand over repeated analyses it is not necessary, if after treatment me anything will not disturb.
1,5 weeks all were good, however recently I feel a dyscomfort in the field of an input or entrance in a vagina and a urethra (it can be described as very insignificant burning sensation, a dyscomfort).
Before, 1,5 week ago, was neblshaja a pain in the beginning of the sexual certificate or act, then all has passed or has taken place.
It is necessary to mention, that I primaju Mersilon, the second cycle.
Now I in a bewilderment: I do not know, to what doctor to address and whether it is necessary to do or make now in general it (probably, it it is reaction orgnaizma on Mersilon)?
Tell or Say, please:
1. In your opinion, with what the dyscomfort tested by me can be connected?
2. Whether it is necessary me to address on reception to the doctor and if yes, to what?
3. Whether as use of wads sprovatsirovat gynecologic and urological diseases, in your opinion, or your way can?

20.08.2005, 11:43
1. At you an infection in a vagina. Probably, a thrush or something or something else. Without analyses to tell or say it is impossible. It is necessary to address to the gynecologist and to hand over a smear on flora and bacteriological crop (from shejki uteruses and urine) and also to make a colposcopy (survey under a microscope). After that it will be possible to diagnose and appoint or nominate treatment. The selftreatment often is noneffective, and sometimes simply dangerous.
2. The gynecologist.
3. No if there is no latent infection.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.