Просмотр полной версии : Smell from a mouth

16.03.2005, 23:46
Little girls! At me such problem - is present has begun to smell in the mornings from a mouth. Sometimes more strongly, sometimes it or him is not present absolutely, sometimes hardly ulovimyj.

Zubki all are healthy (checked and treated!). Than it is possible to be rescueed or saved?! Gargles?! For the night or in the morning?! What in general to do or make?! Whether you collided or faced with such problems and how them solved?! Share!

And more - a daughter of 7 years, so at it or her in general in the mornings an awful smell. With what it is connected?!

19.03.2005, 07:09
The reason can be many factors:

Diabetes mellitis

koronki on a teeth


Gastritis and other diseases GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT

So simple gargles to business you will not help or assist

21.03.2005, 12:10
I advise besides check of health to buy to myself a scraper for tongue, to remove or take out from it or him scurf. Because of scurf sometimes there is a smell.

31.03.2005, 23:42
If a healthy teeth, most likely problems with a stomach.

1. (longly) to treat a stomach if there are illnesses or diseases

2. (quickly) zaedat than- neutral... A slice of bread, for example

08.04.2005, 22:59
In the evening after cleaning poljuzujtes a dental string. Very good from Oral-B, on her a menthol layer that reduces a smell.

The visitor
11.04.2005, 03:33
I use more year, it is very happy.

The morning tooth-paste "Radonta" is the first tooth-paste created specially for morning. She renders fast tonic effect and gives to your respiration slipping ease of a sea wind.

The complex or difficult structure and unique vegetative components allow this tooth-paste to consult with many problems which earlier could not be solved without the stomatologist.


The extract of a unique Chinese plant zantoksiluma improves a circulation in gums or gingivas and roots of a teeth, restores their normal structure or frame and removes or takes out an inflammation.


The natural chlorophyll interferes with body height of the bacteria causing caries, and restores a normal microflora in an oral cavity.


The morning tooth-paste "Radonta" contains a special mineral component - a pyrophosphate of sodium, - which interferes with formation and adjournment of an odontolith.

Besides this unique tooth-paste possesses soft bleaching effect, freshens respiration and the general or common toning up an effect has on all organism.

Structure: deionizirovannaja water, Natrii phosphas of a calcium, Glycerinum, Saccharinum, gidratirovannyj dioxide of silicon, karboksimetiltselljuloza, a pyrophosphate of sodium, extracts of a cortex zantoksiluma (Zanthoxilum nitidum) and mints peppery (Mentha piperita).

References of the stomatologist

Morning cleaning of a teeth

Clean a teeth within 3 minutes with obligatory massage of gums - from above, from below, inside and outside. On them for a night is going to more microbes, than on a teeth. After a gargle of a mouth it is possible to clean tongue on which the whole colonies of toxic or toxiferous substances and pathogenic organisms also accumulate. Accurately, purely washed up brush, sweep away an ochroleucous fur to "output or exit".

You will glance on a page?

http: // www.gloryon.com/GL171edaa233870471423b6300ebad7f63/products/adv/200211_1/

Yours faithfully Vita (SPb).


14.04.2005, 17:56
I Advise besides check of health to buy to myself a scraper for tongue, to remove or take out from it or him scurf. Because of scurf sometimes there is a smell.

Such there is a scraper?

The visitor
25.04.2005, 12:58
Instead of a scraper it is possible dental shchetochkoj jazychok to clean. At me it in a habit years 8.

And have still a drink a weak solution of apple Acetum - on itself noticed. That from a mouth there is no smell. In general any.

30.04.2005, 21:08
And if a stomach of the patient, with acidity of a problem, what to chertjam Acetum? Let to the gastroenterologist descends or goes and it will be checked up, the smell simply so does not arise...

01.05.2005, 04:44
I Advise besides check of health to buy to myself a scraper for tongue, to remove or take out from it or him scurf. Because of scurf sometimes there is a smell.

Such there is a scraper?

Aha, in drugstores is on sale. There a scraper and a masseur for tongue. Costs or stands somewhere within the limits of 30 roubles.

10.05.2005, 10:52
The unpleasant smell, he is called galitoz - unfortunately for today is incurable. Though only clearing of tongue and a gargle of a mouth anti-infectives (Plax, Rembrant, Lacalut...) somehow can help or assist.

16.05.2005, 21:51
Interestingly. And how to learn or find out. There is he or not

The appetizing woman
18.05.2005, 20:03
And if a stomach of the patient, with acidity of a problem, what to chertjam Acetum? Let to the gastroenterologist descends or goes and it will be checked up, the smell simply so does not arise...

If not a teeth it is a stomach, at me so byloi it was a shame to me before the husband-especially in the mornings-smells or mornings-has begun to smell from a mouth, with zhelulkom has understood and now no problems with it or this are present

24.05.2005, 12:25
Actually there is such piece-fuse in tonsils, appear frequently posli diseases of a throat, jazvochki in which pus accumulates and stinks terribly. An output or exit: an ENT which to you will clean them.

At most it became suddenly terrible to stink, nothing helped or assisted, yet vyjasnelos, that at me a fuse. Now on lavages at the doctor I the frequent visitor, it is necessary to a throat to be ill a little and they appear again ((((

Smell simply terrible, well and how purulent globules still or even can smell?

At me by the way a lot of familiar this chicken-feed suffer.

14.08.2005, 08:52
*gt; if not a teeth it is a stomach, at me so byloi it was a shame to me

*gt; before the husband-especially in the mornings-smells or mornings-has begun to smell from a mouth, with zhelulkom

*gt; has understood and now no problems with it or this are present

2 Rana

How you with a stomach have understood?-)

How much or As far as I know a stomach and an ENT organs extremely seldom are the reason of a smell though also doctors assure of it or this. A fur - a major factor causing a smell, the reason of scurf to find not so it is easy or light...