Просмотр полной версии : Chronic genyantritis

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Buena Vista
24.03.2005, 01:06
Girls, prompt who with it or this collided or faced. How to treat, whether to do or make punctures and how much? If the medicine is not necessary on place what to undertake???

26.03.2005, 12:31
Generally it is considered, that you will make once a puncture - then only it or him and you will treat exacerbations of a genyantritis.

Actually, except for how to be protected and not start an easy or a light;a mild rhinitis, and at once it or him to treat a lavage of a nose, Sinapismuses on heels for the night (dry, it it is natural) and so forth national agents, anything radical it is not thought up.

There are, certainly, hormonal sprays and antibiotics, but understand, that it is insalubrious for an organism, but only on the extremest case.

Buena Vista
28.03.2005, 17:41
Unfortunately, the situation is already started. Therefore, any radial measures are necessary.

Baba Manya
30.03.2005, 15:27
Generally it is considered, that you will make once a puncture - then only it or him and you will treat exacerbations of a genyantritis.

Actually, except for how to be protected and not start an easy or a light;a mild rhinitis, and at once it or him to treat a lavage of a nose, Sinapismuses on heels for the night (dry, it it is natural) and so forth national agents, anything radical it is not thought up.

There are, certainly, hormonal sprays and antibiotics, but understand, that it is insalubrious for an organism, but only on the extremest case.

Cautiously, Manjash, Sinapismuses far not bezvredy. From them palpitation is accelerated. In general mustard it is better to not play about. It is necessary to treat immune system as a whole that fine colds did not stick. To stati, I go to the doctor it to discuss.

01.04.2005, 08:28
Generally it is considered, that you will make once a puncture - then only it or him and you will treat exacerbations of a genyantritis.

Actually, except for how to be protected and not start an easy or a light;a mild rhinitis, and at once it or him to treat a lavage of a nose, Sinapismuses on heels for the night (dry, it it is natural) and so forth national agents, anything radical it is not thought up.

There are, certainly, hormonal sprays and antibiotics, but understand, that it is insalubrious for an organism, but only on the extremest case.

Cautiously, Manjash, Sinapismuses far not bezvredy. From them palpitation is accelerated. In general mustard it is better to not play about. It is necessary to treat immune system as a whole that fine colds did not stick. To stati, I go to the doctor it to discuss.

Sinapismuses are harmful on heels if them to wet, and if dry they will heat on the sly as in a dream your legs or pinches sweat, absolutely slightly.

Immune system to treat - too a stick about two extremities or ends. With it or her interfere as a last resort.

03.04.2005, 04:01
Unfortunately, the situation is already started. Therefore, any radial measures are necessary.

To move to -Turkey-Spain =)

04.04.2005, 00:16
Unfortunately, the situation is already started. Therefore, any radial measures are necessary.

To move to -Turkey-Spain =)

At me the chronic rhinitis has developed just after crossing or moving to Spain.

04.04.2005, 21:41
Unfortunately, the situation is already started. Therefore, any radial measures are necessary.

To move to -Turkey-Spain =)

At me the chronic rhinitis has developed just after crossing or moving to Spain.

Be pleased, it not the most awful. What illnesses or diseases are not provoked only with crossing or moving to other climate if you knew!

07.04.2005, 03:39
Sinapismuses are harmful on heels if them to wet, and if dry they will heat on the sly as in a dream your legs or pinches sweat, absolutely slightly.

Immune system to treat - too a stick about two extremities or ends. With it or her interfere as a last resort.

I remember as that time put to myself Sinapismuses on stops for all night smochenye and since morning was surprised that the skin did not burn and was warm.

I fell or was ill - strongly merzla, shivered under 2 blankets.

sobiralaas on chasik (on a breast through 1 minutes zazhglo-has removed or has taken off) and has fallen asleep. Since morning has woken up and frightened for a skin, and about heart did not know.

Lisonka has not entered
08.04.2005, 05:18
Sinapismuses are harmful on heels if them to wet, and if dry they will heat on the sly as in a dream your legs or pinches sweat, absolutely slightly.

Immune system to treat - too a stick about two extremities or ends. With it or her interfere as a last resort.

I remember as that time put to myself Sinapismuses on stops for all night smochenye and since morning was surprised that the skin did not burn and was warm.

I fell or was ill - strongly merzla, shivered under 2 blankets.

sobiralaas on chasik (on a breast through 1 minutes zazhglo-has removed or has taken off) and has fallen asleep. Since morning has woken up and frightened for a skin, and about heart did not know.

I the first time, not having asked again have put the advisers wetted for the night. Has received an easy or a light;a mild combustion a foot (it was scratched a little bit within a week) and any sensations unfamiliar in the field of heart in the morning. Here then has asked again spetsov: to wet or to not wet.

It is possible to heat in general very limited time, and that can be heated up to itself, God forbid, certainly, a tumour any.

08.04.2005, 08:44
I the first time, not having asked again have put the advisers wetted for the night. Has received an easy or a light;a mild combustion a foot (it was scratched a little bit within a week) and any sensations unfamiliar in the field of heart in the morning. Here then has asked again spetsov: to wet or to not wet.

It is possible to heat in general very limited time, and that can be heated up to itself, God forbid, certainly, a tumour any.

It can be not a combustion, and an allergy on mustard - since the childhood I do not transfer or I carry (and to nutrition - without consequences).

Genyantritis treated punctures twice - in the deep childhood and about six years ago. My advice or council such - if it is necessary to recover quickly - to do or make a puncture better. In day already was the efficient person.

And then carefully to watch or keep up any rhinitis - to not start!!!

doctor VMB
09.04.2005, 05:14

Decent people (LORy) a puncture for a long time do not treat a genyantritis (punctures what bacteria are done or made now seldom for definition of that have caused or called a genyantritis and is very rare, when there is no any opportunities to supervise an infection antibiotics)

It is necessary

1) the Clever ENT (in Moscow meet)

2) a computer of adnexal or additional sinuses nosa-to confirm the diagnosis (often erroneous)

3) Rinoskopija

4) If definition of sensitivity to antibiotics and treatment is confirmed

With uv

Doctor VMB



10.04.2005, 03:48
For Bueno Vista.

I suffered some years a genyantritis. Very much was afraid of punctures. 4 years as has got rid. If there is an opportunity at you, call to me (095 1535043 or write questions on e-mail grizlis@bk.ru I shall tell the program.

Buena Vista
10.04.2005, 15:20
For Bueno Vista.

I suffered some years a genyantritis. Very much was afraid of punctures. 4 years as has got rid. If there is an opportunity at you, call to me (095 1535043 or write questions on e-mail grizlis@bk.ru I shall tell the program.

Genyantritis not at me, and at the husband. An ENT-doctors from a district clinic in general that did not recommend. Yes, at you a genyantritis. And what offers (punctures or therapy). As a result the husband now in hospital unit of maxillofacial surgery. To him have performed operation, the doctor has warned, that 100 % do not guarantee convalescence. The second week comes to an end as he in hospital. We shall wait for results.

11.04.2005, 12:20
For Bueno Vista.

I suffered some years a genyantritis. Very much was afraid of punctures. 4 years as has got rid. If there is an opportunity at you, call to me (095 1535043 or write questions on e-mail grizlis@bk.ru I shall tell the program.

Genyantritis not at me, and at the husband. An ENT-doctors from a district clinic in general that did not recommend. Yes, at you a genyantritis. And what offers (punctures or therapy). As a result the husband now in hospital unit of maxillofacial surgery. To him have performed operation, the doctor has warned, that 100 % do not guarantee convalescence. The second week comes to an end as he in hospital. We shall wait for results.

At my son treated a lavage the apparatus a cuckoo + antibiotics + a physiotherapy,

Punctures to do or make not necessarily

The visitor
12.04.2005, 22:50
To me in 4 class did or made punctures have made about 20 pieces steh pores happens sometimes hurt gajmorovye sinuses, but I take a lamp dark blue I warm up, then well I smear with the Vietnamese balm (I do or make all for the night and so some days while therefrom all will not flow out also all

13.04.2005, 16:58
Many years were a genyantritis and in hospital laid also punctures did or made.... Has helped or assisted... To rub an onion, to wring out through -dilute with water... To dig in or instill at an exacerbation... Did or made two times (two exacerbations)... All has passed or has taken place many years there is no it or him... Try or taste procedure unpleasant but helps or assists.. imho

15.04.2005, 21:14
The daughter had a genyantritis, laid in hospital

Business is not has reached or not cunning punctures - so treated

Then once again was, lechilich already at home

Badly that it is necessary to do or make a roentgen for exact diagnostics - before and after

I try to strangle a beginning rhinitis in a germ.

That I do or make

- Fleming's ointment in a nose on 15 mines - 4 r in day

- A lavage (Akvamaris, mozhon simply to dissolve Furacilinum)

- An interferon dry I plant or carry vodichkoj and I drip day 2

It is all an ENT recommended.

With an onion it is possible to try or taste, but I am afraid will not give

18.04.2005, 05:13
The daughter had a genyantritis, laid in hospital

Business is not has reached or not cunning punctures - so treated

Then once again was, lechilich already at home

Badly that it is necessary to do or make a roentgen for exact diagnostics - before and after

I try to strangle a beginning rhinitis in a germ.

That I do or make

- Fleming's ointment in a nose on 15 mines - 4 r in day

- A lavage (Akvamaris, mozhon simply to dissolve Furacilinum)

- An interferon dry I plant or carry vodichkoj and I drip day 2

It is all an ENT recommended.

With an onion it is possible to try or taste, but I am afraid will not give

Yes the little girl probably will not allow to drip it or him but if all that budte are cautious plant vodichkoj more, and that mucous can small be burnt

18.04.2005, 12:40
Yes the little girl probably will not allow to drip it or him but if all that budte are cautious plant vodichkoj more, and that mucous can small be burnt

It is possible to dissolve onions juice with vegetable oil (it to me, by the way, here, at the Forum, and have advised).

22.04.2005, 06:10
Yes the little girl probably will not allow to drip it or him but if all that budte are cautious plant vodichkoj more, and that mucous can small be burnt

It is possible to dissolve onions juice with vegetable oil (it to me, by the way, here, at the Forum, and have advised).


25.04.2005, 08:54
Yes the little girl probably will not allow to drip it or him but if all that budte are cautious plant vodichkoj more, and that mucous can small be burnt

It is possible to dissolve onions juice with vegetable oil (it to me, by the way, here, at the Forum, and have advised).


And it is possible scarlet smaslom to dissolve juice - too an excellent or a different agent from a rhinitis

26.04.2005, 22:31
To me did or made a puncture in 3 years, but it has not helped or assisted. Finally I have cured a genyantritis 2 years ago - was treated neperestavaja almost nearby 3 mesjajatsev - nyxes (scarlet) +++ +. And in general it is necessary to treat in parallel both a throat, and ears

The visitor
27.04.2005, 09:38
As has moved to Moscow - a chronic genyantritis. To me and punctures did or made week, and then operation on correcting pergorodki.-for a year has sufficed. And now again, though have told or said - " you will forget about a rhinitis after operation ".

Recently treated a cuckoo (has helped or assisted for some months), and so to me the doctor has told or said, that it is better than lavages of anything in the world and it is not thought up. I while too have not found cardinal agents, and here I am periodically excruciated (I wash out on some times in day from an Esmarch's irrigator salty water with droplets of an iodine).

The visitor
29.04.2005, 15:48
At me a genyantritis four years.

Have made a puncture. The physiotherapy (any Beam) was treated by antibiotics + a lavage +. Has helped or assisted only till next autumn.

It was excruciated till last year.

As soon as I feel a dyscomfort, and a genyantritis to any rhinitis to not compare, I do or make the following:

- Inhalation above tolerantly hot water (a camomile, butter or oil Kajaputa of 2 drops, an asterisk on an end of a match), or a hot potato before practical cooling,

- Then I dig in or I instill in ears Otipah or warm boric alcohol - on pair or steam drops, pshikaju in a throat any spray Inhalyptum, Anginalum, in a nose I dig in or I instill juice scarlet (I am insolent or am at home only for this purpose),

- It is possible to wash out a nose salty water, but sometimes mucous flows off even more.

Helps or Assists very much, but only do not tighten or delay with procedures and do or make them of not less than three once a day. And that should be drunk also antibiotics + vitamins.

And more legs or foots hold dry.

Now at me TTT.

Success to you, be not ill or sick.