Просмотр полной версии : Hemoglobin improvised agents...))

16.11.2004, 13:03
Good afternoon, knowing people!

Would prompt, please, that such to eat, that a hemoglobin to raise or increase, and in what quantities or amounts?

Has bothered, chesslovo, acyanotic pogankoj to go.

18.11.2004, 00:14
Vitamin B. Tak zhe zhelezo no eto nado u vracha sprosit ' esli nuzhen. (sama blednaia kak smert ' toka kosi ne hvataet:))

30.11.2004, 10:59
And you whence have taken that nizkij-the analysis of a blood did or made a hemoglobin? I here too acyanotically-dark blue all life and a hemoglobin simply excellent or different, doctors were surprised even. All business in " white cells " skins which give to her noble paleness.

02.12.2004, 14:56
Ikorki chernenkoj to eat!

03.12.2004, 07:17
Good afternoon, knowing people!

Would prompt, please, that such to eat, that a hemoglobin to raise or increase, and in what quantities or amounts?

Has bothered, chesslovo, acyanotic pogankoj to go.

For the beginning nodo to hand over the analysis of a blood. If, really, low hemoglobin, the doctor will advise medicines - vitamins.

However, if at you state of health normal - the head is not turned, before eyes not " run black front sights ", not toshnit, to experience because of paleness of a skin it is not necessary, as in itself paleness is not an attribute zhelezodefitsita

06.12.2004, 12:23
Meat (beef-veal), liver, black currant and pomegranate. Nobody will prevent it How much it would be desirable, eat so much.

The visitor
10.12.2004, 18:59
Meat (beef-veal), a liver, a black currant and a pomegranate. Nobody will prevent it How much it would be desirable, eat so much.

Grechka. And in crude obzharenom a kind.): awful muck

The visitor
24.12.2004, 08:03
Meat (beef-veal), a liver, a black currant and a pomegranate. Nobody will prevent it How much it would be desirable, eat so much.

Grechka. And in crude obzharenom a kind.): awful muck

29.12.2004, 13:49
Hemoglobin low with the childhood... To doctors - a current if will bring, itself - for what!

Estee while at you - is most tasty or delicious...

09.01.2005, 18:18
If already there is an iron deficiency anemia only products to business you will not help or assist. It is necessary to accept iron preparations.

As to a delivery, that, in your case, it is necessary to do or make an emphasis on products of an animal parentage (meat, a liver) since from vegetative iron is acquired much worse.

24.01.2005, 23:32
If already there is an iron deficiency anemia only products to business you will not help or assist. It is necessary to accept iron preparations.

As to a delivery, that, in your case, it is necessary to do or make an emphasis on products of an animal parentage (meat, a liver) since from vegetative iron is acquired much worse.

Whether yes but it it is necessary to go to the doctor to learn or find out it is necessary to drink iron. (vitamin a course to spend on drink most that at a low hemoglobin. To me samoi the doctor constantly will put it or him)

01.02.2005, 04:54
Diets do not help or assist me. All life iron I drink in the form of vitaminok.

20.02.2005, 23:31
Juice extractor e? Press pomegranates in the mornings - I on svezhevyzhatyj in the mornings have sat down However, at me for citrus.

I isho klevyj know the prescription of a cocktail: you put in a blender polovinku a mango, you pour out two thirds of glass of garnet juice (I polzovala Azerbaijan bottle) and you press on the button. Vkuuusna!

03.03.2005, 17:00
In the morning on the TV heard: grapes raises or increases a hemoglobin.

10.03.2005, 09:47
Beet, beet, still time a beet and raisin with nuts.

02.04.2005, 09:08
Most of all the gland contains a beef and a liver, it is desirable to consume 2-3 times a week the given products.

From vit.preparatov I ate Akteferrin - the hemoglobin has grown for 2 weeks.......

Now I try on mjastso to lean......

16.04.2005, 08:45
Red dry wine on a glass in day...

(Well and meat, a liver, a pomegranate esessno...)

05.05.2005, 02:27
Red dry wine on a glass in day...

(Well and meat, a liver, a pomegranate esessno...)

And then once with utretsa: Good morning, Alik!

If is problemmy with gemoglabinom a delivery you will not help or assist. Especially, as the girl, at it or her writes it since the childhood. The organism simply does not acquire iron. It is necessary to accept ferriferous preparations and, certainly, vitamins of group In

09.05.2005, 13:39
Red dry wine on a glass in day...

(Well and meat, a liver, a pomegranate esessno...)

And then once with utretsa: Good morning, Alik!

If is problemmy with gemoglabinom a delivery you will not help or assist. Especially, as the girl, at it or her writes it since the childhood. The organism simply does not acquire iron. It is necessary to accept ferriferous preparations and, certainly, vitamins of group In

It absolutely agree.

Una sonadora
12.08.2005, 23:47
Ferroplexum well lifts a hemoglobin, its or his saw while here such delicacy in the mornings is has not begun last time:

Glass of honey

100 gr. Walnuts

100 gr. Dried apricots

100 gr. Raisin

All through a meat grinder/combine/blender. To use every morning on 1-2 ch.lozhki.