Просмотр полной версии : POMOGITE, DEVCHONKI

12.08.2005, 10:26
Nadja Koltsov n on August, 27th, 2001, group of blood AB (IV) - Nade donors of granulocytes are urgently necessary. Group of blood AB (IV) - If you can help or assist, call 8 903 662 6044. Transfusions of granulocytes - unique chance for Nadi to cope with an infection and to survive. Nadja from Khabarovsk, the diagnosis - the aplastic anemia of the superserious form complicated by a fungic or fungal infection. In May Nade have treated. But the answer to treatment still is not present. A status of the girl the extremely serious. Donors of granulocytes do not suffice. Seichas Naden'ka v MOSKVE, aderess na stranicheke http: / / www. deti. Moscow time. ru/donor. htm