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12.11.2004, 02:24
Several years ago at me in analyses have defined or determined presence of simple herpes (genital), tsitomegallovirusa and papilom. It was treated at many doctors, different agents. Has not had time to hand over a check analysis - has become pregnant. Has given birth. Now it was again checked up - all without changes. Naznichili the next course of treatment. And here on its or his middle - at me these blisters or blebs have again got out!!! Yes that this or thus such! Really to me all life to live with this muck?

18.11.2004, 10:53
Several years ago at me in analyses have defined or determined presence of simple herpes (genital), tsitomegallovirusa and papilom. It was treated at many doctors, different agents. Has not had time to hand over a check analysis - has become pregnant. Has given birth. Now it was again checked up - all without changes. Naznichili the next course of treatment. And here on its or his middle - at me these blisters or blebs have again got out!!! Yes that this or thus such! Really to me all life to live with this muck?

All life! And what you wanted? It was necessary to think Earlier, when began a sexual life. And now all life it is necessary to watch or keep up immunity, a regimen, a way of life. I sympathize, but to console to me you not than. Now your second house a cabinet or study of the doctor. Thanks God, that have given birth normally!

19.11.2004, 20:56
Several years ago at me in analyses have defined or determined presence of simple herpes (genital), tsitomegallovirusa and papilom. It was treated at many doctors, different agents. Has not had time to hand over a check analysis - has become pregnant. Has given birth. Now it was again checked up - all without changes. Naznichili the next course of treatment. And here on its or his middle - at me these blisters or blebs have again got out!!! Yes that this or thus such! Really to me all life to live with this muck?

All life! And what you wanted? It was necessary to think Earlier, when began a sexual life. And now all life it is necessary to watch or keep up immunity, a regimen, a way of life. I sympathize, but to console to me you not than. Now your second house a cabinet or study of the doctor. Thanks God, that have given birth normally!

Well what for so the girl to upset? I am longly excruciated with different sores, to doctors as on job I go. To me have told or said that the only thing that can pomoch - a homeopathy. For mine to you advice or council, look a good homeopathist and forward on barikady! Treatment will be long, but should help or assist!

27.11.2004, 06:55
Several years ago at me in analyses have defined or determined presence of simple herpes (genital), tsitomegallovirusa and papilom. It was treated at many doctors, different agents. Has not had time to hand over a check analysis - has become pregnant. Has given birth. Now it was again checked up - all without changes. Naznichili the next course of treatment. And here on its or his middle - at me these blisters or blebs have again got out!!! Yes that this or thus such! Really to me all life to live with this muck?

All life! And what you wanted? It was necessary to think Earlier, when began a sexual life. And now all life it is necessary to watch or keep up immunity, a regimen, a way of life. I sympathize, but to console to me you not than. Now your second house a cabinet or study of the doctor. Thanks God, that have given birth normally!

Well what for so the girl to upset? I am longly excruciated with different sores, to doctors as on job I go. To me have told or said that the only thing that can pomoch - a homeopathy. For mine to you advice or council, look a good homeopathist and forward on barikady! Treatment will be long, but should help or assist!

Treatment will cause or call time or temporary remission. And on how much she will be long will depend on behaviour of the patient. Also there is nothing to be upset here! It was necessary to think Earlier! Now it is necessary to get used to new circumstances of a life that's all! Hardly, but it is possible or probable! And in fact it was how much easier to use, in due time, condoms or to send the next partner on analyses. Unless a lie?

01.12.2004, 09:36
Several years ago at me in analyses have defined or determined presence of simple herpes (genital), tsitomegallovirusa and papilom. It was treated at many doctors, different agents. Has not had time to hand over a check analysis - has become pregnant. Has given birth. Now it was again checked up - all without changes. Naznichili the next course of treatment. And here on its or his middle - at me these blisters or blebs have again got out!!! Yes that this or thus such! Really to me all life to live with this muck?

All life! And what you wanted? It was necessary to think Earlier, when began a sexual life. And now all life it is necessary to watch or keep up immunity, a regimen, a way of life. I sympathize, but to console to me you not than. Now your second house a cabinet or study of the doctor. Thanks God, that have given birth normally!

Well what for so the girl to upset? I am longly excruciated with different sores, to doctors as on job I go. To me have told or said that the only thing that can pomoch - a homeopathy. For mine to you advice or council, look a good homeopathist and forward on barikady! Treatment will be long, but should help or assist!

How much at me the girl-friend on these homeopathists was spent.... Already good foreign car could be bought or purchased. And the result both was, and has remained. Hardly poluchsheet, then again....

02.12.2004, 17:30
Several years ago at me in analyses have defined or determined presence of simple herpes (genital), tsitomegallovirusa and papilom. It was treated at many doctors, different agents. Has not had time to hand over a check analysis - has become pregnant. Has given birth. Now it was again checked up - all without changes. Naznichili the next course of treatment. And here on its or his middle - at me these blisters or blebs have again got out!!! Yes that this or thus such! Really to me all life to live with this muck?

All life! And what you wanted? It was necessary to think Earlier, when began a sexual life. And now all life it is necessary to watch or keep up immunity, a regimen, a way of life. I sympathize, but to console to me you not than. Now your second house a cabinet or study of the doctor. Thanks God, that have given birth normally!

Well what for so the girl to upset? I am longly excruciated with different sores, to doctors as on job I go. To me have told or said that the only thing that can pomoch - a homeopathy. For mine to you advice or council, look a good homeopathist and forward on barikady! Treatment will be long, but should help or assist!

How much at me the girl-friend on these homeopathists was spent.... Already good foreign car could be bought or purchased. And the result both was, and has remained. Hardly poluchsheet, then again....

As it was necessary to prove! Immunity to lift it is necessary! Only it will give remission.

05.12.2004, 19:56
It completely agree with *. And to treat it is necessary not through a bottom, and through interiors, including and a stomach. At the girlfriend too immunity in general any. But, unfortunately, to lift it or him to her it is possible nothing.

I hope, at heroin or heroine is with it or this nevertheless easier.

The best
06.12.2004, 08:06
It agree with Kakashkoj!

To cure any more smozhete-earlier to think it was necessary! And here to try to not admit or allow constant presence boleznpi it is quite possible or probable!

Once having caught gerpesom-will pursue the whole life!

10.12.2004, 00:12
Several years ago at me in analyses have defined or determined presence of simple herpes (genital), tsitomegallovirusa and papilom. It was treated at many doctors, different agents. Has not had time to hand over a check analysis - has become pregnant. Has given birth. Now it was again checked up - all without changes. Naznichili the next course of treatment. And here on its or his middle - at me these blisters or blebs have again got out!!! Yes that this or thus such! Really to me all life to live with this muck?

Try to lift immunity by means of BADov (cortex PaudArko or still what--let the doctor will appoint or nominate).

17.12.2004, 07:24
Really, it is necessary to support or maintain immunity various agents.

And you passed or took place what treatment? Now there are many antiviral preparations, to cure naturally it it is impossible while, but in a complex them applying it is possible to lull viruses. And, as here already spoke, the healthy way of life will help or assist - an eutrophy, without bad habits.... itd itp

18.12.2004, 05:41
One foreign clever doctor (even the professor!) has told or said, what immunity basically to raise or increase it is impossible, only a HIV-infected, etc. In fact how to measure quantity or amount of immunity? This all is very conditional.

But our doctors usilenno to me try to raise or increase it or him in the various ways and preparations. A result: 0! Again herpes!

And in occasion of, that it was necessary to think earlier, when a sexual life started to live... It is not ridiculous? How without it or her to live? detet how to give birth or travail?

And preservation (even) from herpes does not rescue or save;salvage the same condom. And that who has awarded me it or him passed or took place the strengthened treatment

19.12.2004, 10:26
One foreign clever doctor (even the professor!) has told or said, what immunity basically to raise or increase it is impossible, only a HIV-infected, etc. In fact how to measure quantity or amount of immunity? This all is very conditional.

But our doctors usilenno to me try to raise or increase it or him in the various ways and preparations. A result: 0! Again herpes!

It not doctors are guilty! And your exhausted organism and imunnaja system. By the way immunity to measure it is possible even kollichestvom your relapses of herpes. Continue to struggle or to not struggle! It as you wish!

And in occasion of, that it was necessary to think earlier, when a sexual life started to live... It is not ridiculous? How without it or her to live? detet how to give birth or travail?

To us that pofig actually, the most ridiculous that now is not ridiculous to you!

Well prove to us, that it is impossible to live without veins of diseases, that the sexual life can be only such which you conduct - i.e. dangerous to a life. That only having passed or having taken place KVD probably to give birth to the child.

And preservation (even) from herpes does not rescue or save;salvage the same condom. And that who has awarded me it or him passed or took place the strengthened treatment

Passed or Took place the strengthened treatment and a condom did not put on. Was the carrier or bearer of a virus and it was not protected. You knew about its or his disease and did not demand to protect yourself. By the way, the condom from herpes protects and more as as the virus is on mucous. So it is not necessary lja - lja! The truth if he in such form, that already and on a skin it is necessary to be kamikadze that mangy up to the white body to suppose.

In a word let's stop this dispute - vseravno time back to not turn and you will correct nothing. It is possible to hope for remission only. Success to you and health!


21.12.2004, 23:03
Immunity to measure it is possible. For this purpose hand over a blood on the immune status. Look quantity or amount of leucocytes, their form, activity. Everyones to viruses and it is a lot of antibody still only. At me at the most structural immunodeficiency. Because of herpes, by the way. The mother-in-law unsuccessfully the girl I wash has kissed, and I already from it or her hvatanula. Here so now also we live. The doctor appoints or nominates the whole treatment according to your parameters. So I to you would advise not BADy to drink, and to go to the immunologist and to hand over a blood on imunnyj the status. And to treat konkternyj deficiency of concrete parameters of a blood absolutely certain and for each case different preparations. It is impossible to advise here. By the way and sensitivity of herpes can be different. Both kinds of a virus. And the hormonal status and is a lot of that.

26.12.2004, 21:47
Immunity to measure it is possible. For this purpose hand over a blood on the immune status. Look quantity or amount of leucocytes, their form, activity. Everyones to viruses and it is a lot of antibody still only. At me at the most structural immunodeficiency. Because of herpes, by the way. The mother-in-law unsuccessfully the girl I wash has kissed, and I already from it or her hvatanula. Here so now also we live. The doctor appoints or nominates the whole treatment according to your parameters. So I to you would advise not BADy to drink, and to go to the immunologist and to hand over a blood on imunnyj the status. And to treat konkternyj deficiency of concrete parameters of a blood absolutely certain and for each case different preparations. It is impossible to advise here. By the way and sensitivity of herpes can be different. Both kinds of a virus. And the hormonal status and is a lot of that.

Thanks, for the detailed answer, but I already passed or took place all this. Why also arms or hand already fall, that all detailed treatments in fact in accuracy carried out! And the result is not present.

Yesterday was at the expert who diagnoses an organism on pulse. To me have informed, that all my problems only from nedosypa.

I shall try to be treated by a dream.

The woman-doctor
27.12.2004, 10:55
For validity I wish to tell or say, that first, the virus of simple herpes infects 90 % of people.

Secondly, the virus passes or takes place through pores of latex.

Thirdly, more often infection occurs or happens from the carrier or bearer without displays.

The virus gets into an organism of the person through mucous.

The virus in a semen, a saliva, slime of a vagina, etc. is allocated

Earlier was considered, that 1 - only on labiums, and VPG 2 only on genitals. Now it is proved, what is it not so.. Both of them can be shown everywhere.

Reditsivirujushchy the genital herpes develop only somewhere at half infected.

It is impossible to cure completely.

It is necessary to spend the combined therapy - protivogerpeticheskuju + inductors of an interferon

I it am impossible for that any conclusions about sexual partners and about predilections infected to do or make.

Svetlana, you did not address in protivogerpetichesky the center in Moscow?

01.01.2005, 20:02
Svetlana, you did not address in protivogerpetichesky the center in Moscow?

Addressed, just before pregnancy. And my friend there passed or took place treatment up to me and with me simultaneously.

Therefore also I do not know what now to do or make.

The woman-doctor
07.01.2005, 01:45
So, Svetlana..

I can try to advise the professor of the gynecologist in Moscow which is engaged, just, genital herpes. But I am not assured, that she something new to you will tell or say after protivogerpeticheskogo the center, but it is possible to try or taste.

Attempt, not torture..

09.01.2005, 19:37
For validity I wish to tell or say, that first, the virus of simple herpes infects 90 % of people.

Secondly, the virus passes or takes place through pores of latex.

Thirdly, more often infection occurs or happens from the carrier or bearer without displays.

The virus gets into an organism of the person through mucous.

The virus in a semen, a saliva, slime of a vagina, etc. is allocated

Earlier was considered, that 1 - only on labiums, and VPG 2 only on genitals. Now it is proved, what is it not so.. Both of them can be shown everywhere.

Reditsivirujushchy the genital herpes develop only somewhere at half infected.

It is impossible to cure completely.

It is necessary to spend the combined therapy - protivogerpeticheskuju + inductors of an interferon

I it am impossible for that any conclusions about sexual partners and about predilections infected to do or make.

Svetlana, you did not address in protivogerpetichesky the center in Moscow?

I wish to learn or find out on bill 1 and 2. As I know - the first virus it not sexual, and he can be shown everywhere, even on genitals or genitalias, but he not such terrible as the second kind of a virus. To me for example did or made the analysis on a blood and he has shown, that in my organism there is only a first kind of a virus. So in what nevertheless distinguish between them if both there and there are inclined projavljats???????? Both that and another

The woman-doctor
14.01.2005, 16:56
The genital herpes are a name not a virus, and displays and presence (on genitals), earlier he was caused or caused only 2, now and the first too.

So, if is in/on shejke uteruses - that unimportantly 1 or 2.. Both that and that - is not so good.

And 1 as I spoke, is almost at all.

So, if there are no displays do not think simply of it or this.


16.01.2005, 03:10
Rekomenduyu posetit ' www.herpes.ru

Tam je mojno zadat ' voprosy doktoru.

17.01.2005, 15:49
Thanks God, though the expert has commented competently, and that all have thrown on the girl. At it or her the trouble, and you - " itself is guilty "! Not about it or this ask, first, and secondly - from sumy yes from prison... Allow you to not collide or face the god with it or this... I at all do not know any person around of myself who ever did not suffer herpes. But while he only on labiums - like it is not terrible. Anybody and never guarantees, that you from relatives do not infect anybody - to sterilize all around for life and will not kiss through an oilcloth. And we are how much safe for associates in a stage of remission and for how much hours up to the extremity or end of remission we become infectious - anybody yet does not know. All this can be picked up and from the most close and worthy person, the husband. Especially - if to you not 20-25 - you have grown during when already doctors were familiar and with the latent infections, and with the same herpes. And here doctors warned my youth exclusively against a lues-gonorrhea, therefore and the husband has got to me - absolutely innocent boy, but then I longly had to be treated. Just, when the information on the latent infections has gone.

Thanks God, herpes yet genital, the god pardoned...

And to the author - patiences and forces in treatment, do not surrender...

25.01.2005, 16:41
Thanks for support!

At me a new question, but in the same occasion.

It appears, that now in a blood at me the herpes are not present! And rashes zamuchali. There is such not cheap preparation "Famvir" - whether he can help or assist me? Or it or him it is necessary in komlekse with something or something else to accept?

The woman-doctor
26.01.2005, 00:26
And you nurse now? Since it or him do not recommend at a lactemia..

And if is not present, I like treatment should be complex and only to destination the doctor.

The virus is not present in a blood, and antibodies you looked? IgM - speak about an exacerbation of an infection.

29.01.2005, 03:16
And you nurse now? Since it or him do not recommend at a lactemia..

And if is not present, I like treatment should be complex and only to destination the doctor.

The virus is not present in a blood, and antibodies you looked? IgM - speak about an exacerbation of an infection.

No, I any more do not feed with a breast.

To Moscow, unfortunately, in the foreseeable future I shall not get in any way. (thanks for the offer on the doctor!)

I am now observed at 3 doctors! Everyone speak on a miscellaneous, force to hand over analyses everyone in the clinic. I already so from it or this am tired!

And here my friend too had frequent rashes, he has simply spent on drink this "Famvir" and all as an arm or a hand has removed or has taken off! I too so want!

The woman-doctor
06.02.2005, 07:15
And you there do not have specialized center or it is necessary to find the doctor who on herpes specializes.

Since it is better, that it was either the virologist, or the gynecologist who is engaged in infections virus.