Просмотр полной версии : Extrauterine

12.01.2005, 23:34
Whether the extrauterine pregnancy or salpingocuesis in any case leaves?

18.01.2005, 15:35
Whether the extrauterine pregnancy or salpingocuesis in any case Leaves?


29.01.2005, 10:46
And chyo, unless it or her leave in any?

05.02.2005, 21:49
Whether the extrauterine pregnancy or salpingocuesis in any case Leaves?

Necessarily, differently there will be a break

19.02.2005, 21:27
Fialochka, something at you postiki any strashnye-an abortion, extrauterine... At you something happens?

21.02.2005, 05:18

01.03.2005, 12:06
Fialochka, something at you postiki any strashnye-an abortion, extrauterine... At you something happens?

At all I do not know as to tell or say...

The last weeks was in ZHK, sdalali US. Have told or said to seem in 10-14 days, as term small. And yesterday here at me the blood I run to the doctor has gone. And she has directed me again on US. Have made US. Have told or said, that like an abortion. I have asked and what to me to do or make? In fact days off on a nose! Have told or said nothing to do or make. To wait till Monday. And there to hand over any analyses, a pier that the nobility from what an abortion.

Mdja, I think... Till Monday here and so to go and to do or make nothing?

I/has gone to other doctor (it would be necessary to go at once to it or him;them), to me it or him have recommended, have told or said, that the good expert. I and so have shown him that on US ponapisali, have told all. And he speaks, that the abortion was not, the blood in fact only nemnozhechko goes. Means it is necessary to be checked up on pregnancy. Last time to me wrong analyses have made Have made simple (as that vrachiha has advised), and it was necessary quantitative. So that was necessary to hand over a blood again. Has handed over. Have told or said result, - digit 802. Result only in 3 one o'clock in the afternoon have told or said, and my doctor only up to 2 works I Call to him, I speak, that 802. And he speaks: " Pregnancy is ". I asprashivaju: " And what? ". He has told or said. That it is necessary to make US and to look or see. And he works only since Monday.

Has told or said to lay all days off and to drink Nospanum. And on Monday - on US. Then all also will find out.

Here my history.

That for doctors have gone or send..... Will ruin also conscience will not excruciate..... Filk, I on your place pravdo in target would lie down houses..... You know, a blood, it yet a parameter vykidasha. Such happens. And it is not obligatory what is it extrauterine. But you do not experience, though what there.... On Monday you descend or go, you will make US and all will be found out... Well and there already on circumstances.

12.03.2005, 14:42
And here that is still interesting to me. On the first US in a uterus have found out a fetus (?), yesterday have told or said, that he does not develop, and have written, what is it not a fetus, and a liquid

Znchit, all the same... Should not be extrauterine.. At least I hope for it.

24.03.2005, 11:04
And here that is still interesting to me. On the first US in a uterus have found out a fetus (?), yesterday have told or said, that he does not develop, and have written, what is it not a fetus, and a liquid

Znchit, all the same... Should not be extrauterine.. At least I hope for it.

Well then uterine. But here... Can frozen

06.04.2005, 17:50
About drink Nospanum and lay it they pravilno.a here uzi I am or be interested usual was, on a tummy or internal? External uzi usually to feature- shows and is mistaken often... And internal pregnancy down to day shows as it is possible so to be mistaken " and whether there was a boy " is called... ofiget doctors

23.04.2005, 20:12


Fialochka, something at you postiki any strashnye-an abortion, extrauterine... At you something happens?

At all I do not know as to tell or say...

The last weeks was in ZHK, sdalali US. Have told or said to seem in 10-14 days, as term small. And yesterday here at me the blood I run to the doctor has gone. And she has directed me again on US. Have made US. Have told or said, that like an abortion. I have asked and what to me to do or make? In fact days off on a nose! Have told or said nothing to do or make. To wait till Monday. And there to hand over any analyses, a pier that the nobility from what an abortion.

Mdja, I think... Till Monday here and so to go and to do or make nothing?

I/has gone to other doctor (it would be necessary to go at once to it or him;them), to me it or him have recommended, have told or said, that the good expert. I and so have shown him that on US ponapisali, have told all. And he speaks, that the abortion was not, the blood in fact only nemnozhechko goes. Means it is necessary to be checked up on pregnancy. Last time to me wrong analyses have made Have made simple (as that vrachiha has advised), and it was necessary quantitative. So that was necessary to hand over a blood again. Has handed over. Have told or said result, - digit 802. Result only in 3 one o'clock in the afternoon have told or said, and my doctor only up to 2 works I Call to him, I speak, that 802. And he speaks: " Pregnancy is ". I asprashivaju: " And what? ". He has told or said. That it is necessary to make US and to look or see. And he works only since Monday.

Has told or said to lay all days off and to drink Nospanum. And on Monday - on US. Then all also will find out.

Here my history.

Violet! If in target the bleeding suddenly will begin more strongly, than is now-immediately cause fast! Uterine bleedings a-piece very dangerous, and doctors about it or this know.

When I had an abortion-from me suddenly has watered as from a bucket, and is unexpected! Me at once have brought to hospital (on road put an ice to a stomach or belly as have told or said), there have looked or seen on an armchair and at once at cleaning.

So, that is better from the house without superfluous need to not leave to you now.

18.05.2005, 16:41
At my girlfriend suspected extrauterine. To the doctor she has addressed before holidays, and that to her has told or said, that if the girlfriend suddenly will lose consciousness - that at once caused fast. As she without consciousness fast will cause - vrachiha has not thought. And the girlfriend one vein. In general all has managed, but with our doctors terribly, terribly.

03.06.2005, 08:07
When at me was extrauterine I on Saturday have gone to paid clinic on US. They had a suspicion on extrauterine and they did not wish me to release or let off home, insisted, that will cause or call fast.

As a result I by the machine or car have arrived to hospital where me there and then hospitalized.

With extrauterine do not joke, from break of a pipe the internal bleeding, here can begin then already the person loses consciousness, and further and mors from an internal bleeding.

09.08.2005, 02:11
At my girlfriend suspected extrauterine. To the doctor she has addressed before holidays, and that to her has told or said, that if the girlfriend suddenly will lose consciousness - that at once caused fast. As she without consciousness fast will cause - vrachiha has not thought. And the girlfriend one vein. In general all has managed, but with our doctors terribly, terribly.

I too itself live

On target the blood has gone as usual monthly.