Просмотр полной версии : High pressure

22.03.2005, 15:35
People, at me the third day the raised or increased pressure. To the doctor do not send, it is better advise than to bring down.

Aha, a tablet do not offer, since the majority in drugstores of Poland under prescriptions, and to me to the doctor to go there is no time, therefore I ask advice or councils at other level

08.08.2005, 10:48
People, at me the third day the raised or increased pressure. To the doctor do not send, it is better advise than to bring down.

Aha, a tablet do not offer, since the majority in drugstores of Poland under prescriptions, and to me to the doctor to go there is no time, therefore I ask advice or councils at other level

To the doctor all the same

I would not joke of pressure