Просмотр полной версии : Girls, at somebody were a bartholinitis?

24.10.2004, 08:34
Tell, pozhta!

Than were treated?

Longly - is not present?

It is necessary to the doctor, but I can not yet. What first procedures?

Olga Nik.
05.01.2005, 15:52

The first procedures - a lavage hlorgeksedinom and bandages with levomekolem. Any fitting linen and clothes (stringi, bikini tozh is impossible). The doctor should appoint or nominate antibiotics, a course of days 10.

And generally he different happens, if acute purulent operation do or make.

Z.Y. And how without the doctor have defined or determined, what is it it and is?

29.01.2005, 06:39
I had a bartholinitis of the right gland - many years back. I at once have addressed to the doctor, me have directed to the surgeon who has opened an abscess. Operation was under a local narcosis, poorly pleasant, but short. Has begun to live quickly, details I do not remember. During many years of iron me did not disturb. But here couple of years the same history, but this time an inflammation back has repeated was stronger and morbid. Business was in Canada. The doctor-gynecologist has told or said what to open there is no sense, and it is necessary to delete, since the cyst there could be formed. Recommended to do or make warm trays or basins for simplification of a pain. Warm, not hot. Operation have appointed or nominated already in a month! I begged to accelerate, but uselessly. More shortly, by the moment of operation the acute inflammation has passed or has taken place. I even began to think, whether it is necessary to be operated. Then all was solved. Excision of a gland - the present or true operation, under the general or common narcosis. This very day has left home. Healed longly.

06.02.2005, 00:01
Z.Y. And how without the doctor have defined or determined, what is it it and is?

A few or A little;Little bit anatomy I know. More there there is nothing to inflame.

At me has swelled up a little very strongly, but vydeleny is not present. It was corked strongly. Whether it is possible to resemble in such status or it is NECESSARY to open?

And to you opened?

02.03.2005, 14:31
Suok, I have correctly understood, what you month with a tumour went to second time?

08.03.2005, 00:07

Yes, so it also was. To open they did not become, though I was in hospital with a strong tumour and a pain. Have told or said, what is it not the worst variant (!). Try or taste while warm trays or basins. From medicines inside to me, it is remembered, have registered nothing.

30.03.2005, 19:05
To me about seven years ago opened. For some reason longly enough healed also sex was sick to be engaged somewhere for about a year. A course of antibiotics appointed or nominated.

09.06.2005, 16:36
It is necessary.... I just from the doctor in the same occasion, have inflamed on Saturday. To me have opened under a local narcosis. Have put or applied a napkin and have registered antibiotics for 5 days.

11.07.2005, 16:23
bozhesh mine.. And why it happens?

16.07.2005, 03:53
C to the doctor. I long time had tumescence and a pain at a coitus from the left party or side. At several doctors was. Have found nothing, but also suspected by me at itself a bartholinitis have denied.

Be not engaged in a selftreatment!

01.08.2005, 19:43
And to you opened?

There was very strong tumescence (in comparison with left has increased time in 2,5-3 for pair hours...) but to open did not become, since has early addressed and it was possible to remove or take off still antibiotics. Like it was called as a subacute status....

02.08.2005, 05:25
And why it happens?

Occlusion of a gland and hit in a duct of bacteria, like so.... It is possible after unsuccessful shaving or depilation to receive, well and wearing of close fitting clothes and linen promotes...

03.08.2005, 12:30
Be not engaged in a selftreatment, go to the doctor! Most likely it will be necessary to operate, since can inflame at any moment. I remember the woman which already a leg or foot together to put not mogla-so all has come to me has inflated! It is necessary to you? Operation trifling, heals quickly, be not afraid.

05.08.2005, 17:56
Have opened under the general or common narcosis.

Yes... Process not from pleasant. As me only has managed... ((((

07.08.2005, 11:59
I sympathize... Recover