Просмотр полной версии : L-thyroxine

09.01.2005, 06:16
Girls, tell or say, maybe, somebody it or him accepts. I have begun several days ago, a dose of 100 mkg. Me interests - that collateral from it or him can be expected? It seems to me, at me problems with a morning chair have begun, but is not assured, whether from it or him. If there is an experience - share, and?

14.01.2005, 15:52
Its or His saw my younger little sister, I something do not remember such disturbances. From it or him simply the sister has a little recovered. This everything, that I know about its or his side effects.

21.01.2005, 23:47
I its or his saw of years at 11-12.... Has recovered.... Another I shall not remember.

29.01.2005, 07:00
Pancake, have pleased

Have much more recovered?

04.02.2005, 09:43
Well.... Decently... I began to weigh 65... In 12 years.

11.02.2005, 14:12
Well.... Decently... I began to weigh 65... In 12 years.

And it is exact from it or him?

14.02.2005, 19:40
I drank, I drink and on mine I shall drink all life.

Problems with a morning chair and popravleniem go not from a thyroxine, and from even not vostanovlennoj shchitovidki. Its or her time is necessary rather, what in the help of a thyroxine in the bed or channel to enter. And will recover from it or him not probably for by the definition he accelerates a metabolism, that leads pohudaniju. Even tablets from pohudanija sometimes contain a thyroxine.

23.02.2005, 01:08
Precisely from it or him.... Also could grow thin only after a cancelling of this hormone. Probably, what is it individual reaction.

11.03.2005, 02:15
I drank, I drink and on mine I shall drink all life.

Problems with a morning chair and popravleniem go not from a thyroxine, and from even not vostanovlennoj shchitovidki. Its or her time is necessary rather, what in the help of a thyroxine in the bed or channel to enter. And will recover from it or him not probably for by the definition he accelerates a metabolism, that leads pohudaniju. Even tablets from pohudanija sometimes contain a thyroxine.

Forgive or Excuse, I have not understood... So from pohudanija or for???

24.03.2005, 03:32
Precisely from it or him.... Also could grow thin only after a cancelling of this hormone. Probably, what is it individual reaction.

Can, because it in detstsve was?

01.04.2005, 08:03
I drank, I drink and on mine I shall drink all life.

Problems with a morning chair and popravleniem go not from a thyroxine, and from even not vostanovlennoj shchitovidki. Its or her time is necessary rather, what in the help of a thyroxine in the bed or channel to enter. And will recover from it or him not probably for by the definition he accelerates a metabolism, that leads pohudaniju. Even tablets from pohudanija sometimes contain a thyroxine.

And how much you drink it or him already on time? How much mkg? At you a hypothyrosis? To me it or him have put. When started to drink something has changed? (weight, a skin, still that-string?)

Simply I so understand, that prior to the beginning of its or his reception shchitovidka was not more healthy, but problems were not (I now about a chair). And in occasion of weight, I for the last some months have grown thin for some kg, therefore morbidly enough I concern to possible or probable reaction.

06.04.2005, 01:03
I drank, I drink and on mine I shall drink all life.

Problems with a morning chair and popravleniem go not from a thyroxine, and from even not vostanovlennoj shchitovidki. Its or her time is necessary rather, what in the help of a thyroxine in the bed or channel to enter. And will recover from it or him not probably for by the definition he accelerates a metabolism, that leads pohudaniju. Even tablets from pohudanija sometimes contain a thyroxine.

And how much you drink it or him already on time? How much mkg? At you a hypothyrosis? To me it or him have put. When started to drink something has changed? (weight, a skin, still that-string?)

Simply I so understand, that prior to the beginning of its or his reception shchitovidka was not more healthy, but problems were not (I now about a chair). And in occasion of weight, I for the last some months have grown thin for some kg, therefore morbidly enough I concern to possible or probable reaction.

I drink it or him 5 years. A special difference has not noticed, at me the hypofunction has been certain absolutely casually and at an early stage, therefore prelestej this illness or disease I still have not had time to feel all. I drink 100.

Umenja to all and an inflammation shchitovidki, and I have aggravated it or him by means of vitamins for pregnant women in whom the iodine which at an inflammation is counter-indicative contains. So look or see, whether is not present in your tablets of an iodine, and even the thyroxine will not help or assist.

21.04.2005, 09:18
[quote = " linchen

I drink it or him 5 years. A special difference has not noticed, at me the hypofunction has been certain absolutely casually and at an early stage, therefore prelestej this illness or disease I still have not had time to feel all. I drink 100.

Umenja to all and an inflammation shchitovidki, and I have aggravated it or him by means of vitamins for pregnant women in whom the iodine which at an inflammation is counter-indicative contains. So look or see, whether is not present in your tablets of an iodine, and even the thyroxine will not help or assist. [/quote]

So I do not drink more anything...

The truth, today ate sea kale, thought, that on the contrary, for shchitovidki it is better... But me about an inflammation have told or said nothing. I hope, it or him on US it would be visible?

27.04.2005, 08:22
Recover you could from sharply big dose (she oppresses shchitovidku and that works even more weakly) it was necessary to begin with 25 mlg and gradually to raise or increase, and it is even better minimal

naja the dose + (it was convinced on own : podrosla and the hormones have raised or increased) Me now interests pregnancy at a hormonal failure since heard about pathologies of the child?

21.05.2005, 11:29
In occasion of sorts or labors to me the endocrinologist has told or said to not become pregnant at all while she will not resolve by results of analyses. You have a doctor? Consult to it or him. How much or As far as I know, at me so the sister gave birth or travailled - only from the sanction of the doctor. The child has more 2 than years now, like all ttt.

02.06.2005, 05:47
Recover you could from sharply big dose (she oppresses shchitovidku and that works even more weakly) it was necessary to begin with 25 mlg and gradually to raise or increase, and it is even better minimal

naja the dose + (it was convinced on own : podrosla and the hormones have raised or increased) Me now interests pregnancy at a hormonal failure since heard about pathologies of the child?

At pregnancy the most important will constantly be checked up on shchitovidku, probably to you will have to increase or enlarge a dose. And so no trouble. And to become pregnant it is necessary at completely vostanovlennoj shchitovidke.

02.08.2005, 22:10
Thanks as it is sad, but I with you completely agree. According to the doctor it was necessary to interrupt pregnancy.