Просмотр полной версии : Thrush???

07.06.2005, 00:19
Girls, at me voprosik: I now have strongly caught a cold, immunity practically on zero, plus was necessary to work, there still the heap of coughing clients last day has been dressed in narrow jeans and practically all the day sat. Whether there can be together this all the reason of a thrush??? By the evening white allocation and court How to be? What to do or make? Quickly to the doctor to go I will not turn out before all through 2 nedtseli for 2 weeks all ischeshus (by the way, no unpleasant smell is present, the partner constant - venerich.boljachki are excluded).

Nadybala tablets in the first-aid set, are called kandid, but there is written, that is direct all of 6 pieces (candles) it is necessary to use, and at me toko 5...1 where has got to. It is possible 5 who has experience, prompt.

More shortly much that has written, as I am in a status of a shock and I do not know what to do or make

10.06.2005, 17:17
First before to undertake something, whether it is necessary to make sure really it is a thrush. If she, I can advise Terzhinan - suppositories. A good agent, by them it was treated.

If there is no opportunity now to get to the doctor, prosprintsujtes broth of a camomile or it is even better than Calendulae. These or it travki are on sale in any drugstore. And harm from it or this in any case will not be.

10.06.2005, 23:59
First before to undertake something, whether it is necessary to make sure really it is a thrush. If she, I can advise Terzhinan - suppositories. A good agent, by them it was treated.

If there is no opportunity now to get to the doctor, prosprintsujtes broth of a camomile or it is even better than Calendulae (if there is no individual intolerance). These or it travki are on sale in any drugstore. And harm from it or this in any case will not be. It is checked up on own experience

13.06.2005, 07:42
Fljukostat... Analogue of all import capsules... One you drink also all! At the price of in 4 times is cheaper and on action is not worse and for the some people it is better even.... Itself I am rescueed or saved;salvaged by it or him already for a long time and the doctor does not mind

The visitor
16.06.2005, 09:59
Fljukostat... Analogue of all import capsules... One you drink also all! At the price of in 4 times is cheaper and on action is not worse and for the some people it is better even.... Itself I am rescueed or saved;salvaged by it or him already for a long time and the doctor does not mind

And there is on packing a name on latyne or even in English? Or and will be? Ato I as come to a drugstore, something it or him I name, and they look at me round eyes

The visitor
22.06.2005, 08:42
.sama I am rescueed or saved;salvaged by it or him already for a long time and the doctor does not mind

I here on the Internet nachitalas, that type to heal a thrush is impossible, it is necessary to cure it or her. Like as grobok adapts to medicines and process prehodit in chronic... What does your doctor speak about it or this? Or this preparation treats?

29.06.2005, 11:50
Has forgotten zaregestrirovatsja.... It was I

Diana Valerevna
07.07.2005, 02:14
Fljukostat... Analogue of all import capsules... One you drink also all! At the price of in 4 times is cheaper and on action is not worse and for the some people it is better even.... Itself I am rescueed or saved;salvaged by it or him already for a long time and the doctor does not mind

And there is on packing a name on latyne or even in English? Or and will be? Ato I as come to a drugstore, something it or him I name, and they look at me round eyes

Greetings. All :, pimafutsin, difljukan analogues also contain a fluconazole.

09.07.2005, 23:51
If there is no opportunity now to get to the doctor, prosprintsujtes broth of a camomile or it is even better than Calendulae. These or it travki are on sale in any drugstore. And harm from it or this in any case will not be.

It is not necessary such to try or taste! The person can have an allergy. And harm, naturally, can be thus an allergy on any component be shown can suddenly. At me the allergy on Calendulae was showed after accepted tincture. Though up to this case all was good.

I advise TO DESCEND or go To the DOCTOR No trouble was not present. We not that century or blepharon live to be engaged in a selftreatment.

02.08.2005, 15:17
And more, in occasion of "one-day" tablets which you buy or purchase without visiting the doctor. Do not forget about a microflora. It is very important. Tablets together with baterijami a fungus "ubjut" native and useful bacteria.

I accepted Simbiter 2. Ett a preparation it was necessary to enter into a vagina for the night some days successively. It is a little gadenko But very well (TTT).