
Просмотр полной версии : Kak brositj?

12.11.2004, 15:54
Wsem priwet! ja nedawno na forume, i poetomu ne znaju, byla takaja tema ili net, da i w arhiwe kopatjsja ne o4enj-to "umeju" U kogo-nibudj estj opyt w brosanii kurenija? Ja, kurilchica so staghem, 4to nazywaetsja, pytajusj brositj kuritj. Wsem sowremennym sredstwam (plastyri, tabletki) ne o4en-to dowerjaju iz-za gorjkogo opyta podrug. A mne oj kak nado! Ughe i zdorowju wredit, a ni4ego podelatj ne mogu: problemy s golowoj! 4to posowetuete?

19.11.2004, 02:10
I smoked 7 years and when worked day that for 24 hours left on 2 .1,5 year began to meet with mol.chelovekom which back does not smoke and it is very bad to concern to smoking girls. Snachalo it disturbed me a little. Then I have understood that I like it or him. And here that has begun. Snachalo I smoked when it or him was not series, then we began to spend more increasing or more and more and more time. To refuse cigarettes it was serious and consequently if we spent all the day together all taki smoked one sigaretku. It could not be kept. But seeing its or his reaction one cigarette in day has turned to one cigarette in a week. Now almost I do not smoke. I presume sitting with girl-friends in a bar.

21.11.2004, 17:09
Zna4it nughna silnaja motiwacija. U menja kakraz s etim problema:goworju ghe-problemy s golowoj! Ugh skolko ja sebe samoj wsjakih obechanij dawala... Izolda, i tebja sowsem-sowsem ne tjanet bolshe kuritj? esli ja gde zapah po4uwstwuju, to wsjo!-mne toghe nado zakuritj. a tebe eto ne meshalo?

24.11.2004, 04:30
Me pulls, when it or him is not present series. I am sometimes broken, but I smoke not so often as earlier. The biggest 2 cigarettes in day. And here when I go with girl-friends where that in a bar that I come off. I think in the near future in general to fasten. It would be desirable to get or start in 1-2 years of the baby.

02.12.2004, 02:25
o! horosho, 4to ty ob etom zagoworila. odna moja znakomaja wo wremja beremenosti kurila (!!!), pri4em s razreshenija vra4a, 4to menja o4enj udiwilo Wra4 ej skazal: " esli wy kurili i ne moghete brositj daghe vo vremja beremennosti, to lu4she kurite po 1-2 w denj. " Pomnju, menja eto uspokoilo: esli wra4i takoe goworjat... Rebeno4ek rodilsja u nee, tjfu-tjfu, zdorowenkij.

06.12.2004, 16:35
a skolko tebe let, esli ne sekret?

09.12.2004, 15:55
To me 23. It is not enough?

11.12.2004, 17:02
To Me 23. It is not enough?

Nu, woobche-to, da. ne obighajsja, pls. ja o4enj 4asto slyshala, 4to ljudjam, na4awshim kuritj do 20-ti let, leg4e potom brositj. ja ghe na4ala kuritj w soznatelnom wozraste-w 21. SAMA, SOZNATELNO-o4enj ugh nrawilish kurjachie ghenchiny i zapah sigaret. Dura-odnim slowom!

14.12.2004, 16:19
But at me basically never was such attachment as it is admissible at my girlfriends. Which not having smoked day or two went were excruciated. At me basically all business in a subconscious mind.

19.12.2004, 01:27
u menja echjo hughe! wsjo na4inaetsja ughe s utra:esli odnu posle zawtraka ne wakurju (a inogda i do zawtraka), ne 4uwstwuju sebja polnocenno. narkomanka kakaja-to!

26.12.2004, 21:56
At me too the same situation as at Izoldy, now well 2-3 in day and that happens at all I do not smoke,

And in general I consider or count, that the person himself should solve, that it is necessary to him also any tablets and so forth nonsense.

09.01.2005, 20:00
At me at the girl-friend too most. She tried to throw, but at it or her mum smokes, and as they live together that to get rid of this bad habit not udaetsja. Therefore she has reconciled. What sigarnty you smoke? I smoked strong earlier, and now have completely passed to the lungs. poluchaetsja I smoke moreover and with the smallest maintenance or contents of a nicotine a little.

17.01.2005, 16:13
ja toghe kurju maximum 5 sigaret w denj (esli, kone4no, ne wyhoghu we4erami kuda-nibudj), no dlja menja eto ughe mnogo. Ho4u brositj polnostju. SOS!

03.02.2005, 08:38
I where read that and heard, that a cigarette containing there is less than nicotine-are harmful, and vashche they are harmful and more, that the passive smoker too is harmful to an organism

16.02.2005, 11:48
At me at the girl-friend too most. She tried to throw, but at it or her mum smokes, and as they live together that to get rid of this bad habit not udaetsja. Therefore she has reconciled. What sigarnty you smoke? I smoked strong earlier, and now have completely passed to the lungs. poluchaetsja I smoke moreover and with the smallest maintenance or contents of a nicotine a little.

wo-wo! eto interesno: 4itala w odnom o4enj solidnom nemeckom ghurnale (eto bylo paru let nazad), 4to lu4she kuritj silnye, 4em slabye (po-moemu, lu4she woobche nikakie ne kuritj...). A wsjo potomu, 4to slabye bolshe wdyhajutsj w legkie iz-za swoej "slabosti" tak skazatj. A silnye i wdyhatj, jakoby, ne nado-ih 4uwstwuesh srazu. ja kurju absoljutno wsjo: i slabye (po bolshej 4asti) i silnye (reghe).

27.02.2005, 12:47
Here HORROR! And I that was delighted, that I smoke slybye. Thought as better, and it has turned out.....

16.03.2005, 11:22
Here.. I too thought

24.03.2005, 11:31
Here HORROR! And I that was delighted, that I smoke slybye. Thought as better, and it has turned out.....

... a polu4ilosj, kak wsegda Ughas-ne to slowo! u menja, w swjazi s tem, 4to ja OK prinimaju, ko wsemu echjo i zrenie isportilosj. nado by i legkie proweritj, da bojusj.

28.03.2005, 09:29
KAK, skaghite, pls, wyrabotatj silu woli???????? Gde ee wzjatj????

04.04.2005, 18:57
Here HORROR! And I that was delighted, that I smoke slybye. Thought as better, and it has turned out.....

... a polu4ilosj, kak wsegda Ughas-ne to slowo! u menja, w swjazi s tem, 4to ja OK prinimaju, ko wsemu echjo i zrenie isportilosj. nado by i legkie proweritj, da bojusj.

And here about OK it is written, that nizja to smoke much!!!

16.04.2005, 22:33
I here am going to one of these days to start to accept Novinet (with a view of prophylaxis, instead of) I hope such -in cigarettes as I smoke preservation will not especially affect or influence. And that I already ponachitalas side effects from OK, and here also it.

27.04.2005, 03:30
I here am going to one of these days to start to accept Novinet (with a view of prophylaxis, instead of) I hope such -in cigarettes as I smoke preservation will not especially affect or influence. And that I already ponachitalas side effects from OK, and here also it.

Yes is not present, the pair cigarettes a day is not terribly. Especially at your age (I mean, that only after 35 it is better to women to not smoke in general).

01.08.2005, 16:43
a ghenchinam do 30 moghno???