Просмотр полной версии : Question to the Woman-doctor

The visitor
07.04.2005, 06:22
Good afternoon! Excuse, as I to you address. Has noticed, that to you write literally in all occasions.

The PROBLEM on which I has addressed to the doctor was such - the frequent emiction, unpleasant sensations in the field of a urethra and a pain below zhivora. Has naturally thought, that a cystitis though rezej was not. The same has told or said also the doctor-gynecologist. At me all signs became aggravated after the sexual certificate or act. As a result all life has turned to hassle and in general all ours with the husband unfortunate))) attempts have almost come to naught.

Has gone to the urologist, have directed on on US. That attributes of a chronic pyelonephritis there have told or said.

Simply wished to ask as this disease it is connected with sex?

23.04.2005, 12:55
Good question. Too it is interesting to me.

The woman-doctor
01.08.2005, 12:07

Signs which you describe, are really similar to a cystitis and a urethritis, that at all does not exclude a pyelonephritis since kidneys are connected with a bladder two ureters.

That has appeared at you initially - already difficultly to tell or say.

At sex, especially at oral - foreign organisms get in a urethra - the aperture mocheispuskatelnogo the channel is directly above an input or entrance in a vagina. .i or from mechanical treny, or at oral sex, it is irritated.. And since there is a chronic inflammation becomes aggravated.

I would advise to make a tank crop of a urethra to define or determine, that for microorganisms and to pass or take place course of treatment by antibiotics. Though it is the urologist knows better me.

Success to you.