Просмотр полной версии : Morbid monthly

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10.03.2005, 10:17
At me monthly pass or take place very morbidly. No tablets help or assist. Simply I climb on a wall. At whom the same problem and who with her as consults - I ask to give advice or council. And I get out only by means of contraceptives - almost nebolno. However, I drink them enough for a long time and it would be time to make a respite - but I am afraid, I shall die of a pain (it not a joke).

11.03.2005, 09:53
At me monthly pass or take place very morbidly. No tablets help or assist. Simply I climb on a wall. At whom the same problem and who with her as consults - I ask to give advice or council. And I get out only by means of contraceptives - almost nebolno. However, I drink them enough for a long time and it would be time to make a respite - but I am afraid, I shall die of a pain (it not a joke).

The same chicken-feed. But as soon as has stopped to drink, pains have renewed, and has watered as from a bucket. And so rescue or save;salvage though it is sensitive spazmalgetiki, sometimes of 2 tablets to have to swallow. And still it would be desirable vremchja to lay in it at home on divanchike in a pose of an embryos. A little the heater on a stomach or belly, but it like harmful still or even helps or assists. Plus massazhik a bottom of a stomach or belly, simply I stroke myself on a circle.

11.03.2005, 23:40
Vopshchem, clearly, without tablets (hormonal or anesthetizing to not manage). Though, heard, that for-border it treat.

12.03.2005, 04:47
At me earlier too were morbid monthly, I drank Burdens-. Hurt me were in the first-second day. But then when I have started to conduct a regular sexual life, at me pains practically are not present, hurts the first to pair hours and all a little. Tablets obesbalivajushchie are not necessary to me any more. Especially to me pomagaet sex before the most monthly. Still I heard, that after sorts or labors of a pain pass or take place. And when I went to doctors and spoke, that at me morbid monthly, they spoke me, what is it normally, will give birth also to all will pass or take place.

12.03.2005, 07:26
Bridgit, once I got or started a similar subject. Advice or councils nadavaliiii! Look or See here, can, something will approach or suit you:

http: // www.nedug.ru/club/viewtopic.php? t=1079

12.03.2005, 15:09
At all did not know what to respond, because morbid at the first 2 o'clock, but it from- features of a structure of my organism.

13.03.2005, 19:45
Bridgit, once I got or started a similar subject. Advice or councils nadavaliiii! Look or See here, can, something will approach or suit you:

http: // www.nedug.ru/club/viewtopic.php? t=1079

Thanks, Photi.

Too I suffer
15.03.2005, 12:55
At me the same situation. I am rescueed or saved;salvaged only by analgetics, but they operate or work only in some hours, and till this time simply I die. The doctor has told or said, what is it feature of an organism - there's nothing to be done

16.03.2005, 05:11
In addition, that is already written, I am am helped or assisted (for a short while) by such exercise: you rise on elbows and knees on a floor, and a body you weaken or relax as much as possible, you hang up a head and tp, and a basin you make circular movements.

But, I repeat - effect short.

18.03.2005, 08:03
What for far to go?

Explanation - http: // www.nedug.ru/s.php/1810.htm

And the help - http: // www.nedug.ru/s.php/1682.htm

At me such problem is not present, and girl-friends speak, that exercises very much help or assist

20.03.2005, 12:25
Valery, you have written about PMS, and conversation here about morbid monthly!

The visitor
21.03.2005, 00:38
sorri, but exercises just "during" help or assist

22.03.2005, 18:42
Yes? Well good, I shall try or taste - I shall be hopes will help or assist.

24.03.2005, 05:14

25.03.2005, 08:19
Descended or Went - and that to sense. Has told or said, after the beginning of a regular sexual life itself will pass or take place, or after sorts or labors. Only nonsense of all this - at mine sestruhi both the baby, and regular - and both hurted or was ill;was sick, and hurts.

25.03.2005, 14:05
I too "die" the first to pair or steam hours. However, at reception contraceptive all passes or takes place almost painlessly. Analgetics any do not help or assist - while 2 hours not otbolit, nothing will help or assist. It is sad, certainly, and all our promother Eve is guilty...

25.03.2005, 20:24
Very well pomogant Solpadein (sparkling).

Dissolve at once 2 tablets.

Before nothing helped or assisted. A year I use only it or him. Try or taste!!! Really will help or assist.

27.03.2005, 07:44
Yet has not started to drink OK too terribly hurted or was ill;was sick, it was rescueed or saved;salvaged only by Baralginum. One tablet sufficed.

28.03.2005, 19:58
Similarly... I am bent from a pain all first day... While something I shall drink. If somewhere to go it is necessary urgently I poison or persecute own organism solpadeinom. 10 minutes and any problems, and help or assist hours on five-six... And if it is possible to roll about houses it is simple under warm odejalko... The result certainly is, but not so fast, as from tablets. It is very a pity that to swallow of tablets harmfully...

30.03.2005, 01:41
Very well pomogant Solpadein (sparkling).

Dissolve at once 2 tablets.

Before nothing helped or assisted. A year I use only it or him. Try or taste!!! Really will help or assist.

By the way shipuchki and the truth help or assist a little. I tried or tasted. Now I try to swing or pump press - today the first day - and anything to suffer or bear it is possible - fie, fie!

Aunt Moore
31.03.2005, 15:28
At me too very morbid. Periodically I go to clinics with the demand to start me to rescue or save;salvage from any terrible illness or disease. Doctors to treat for some reason do not want... Though I precisely know, that morbid monthly (I can not go on job two days, I mould otmazy every month) or algodismenorreja are treated, if are not caused or called by other remarkable illnesses or diseases

02.04.2005, 08:07
For myself I have found a way out of this problem. I buy tablets Ketanov.. Basically, the pain removes or takes out in half an hour from one tablet and I do not have by-effects (it would be desirable to hope). Though earlier too climbed on a wall: did not help or assist lying with bed. noshpa with something..

The truth, I is not assured of safety of these tablets (the girlfriend of the sister), therefore has advised if something heard somebody, I shall be grateful for the information

03.04.2005, 02:01
I so much years was excruciated with monthly, simply died of a pain, and the only thing, that to me helped or assisted - a bath and a strong jet of hot douche on the bottom part of a stomach or belly, salvage is simple. To me spoke, it is what is it harmful (and doctors sometimes naobrot on a stomach or belly put an ice, when took few times at job, the nightmare), but helps or assists really. And to spit to me was on preventions or warnings. But it when already absolutely on a wall you climb.

And tablets - saridon - too a thing. I now on them am was insolent or keep.

Still I can advise to buy in advance homeopathic tabletochki Feminalgin, they specially for such cases.

05.04.2005, 16:01
At me the same all time bolezennye monthly. Doctors spoke the same, that when will give birth - will pass or take place. Yesterday descended or went - has made vaginalnoe US (for prophylaxis). It has appeared, that at me the MYOMA which apparently and provokes bolezennye monthly.

Descend or Go on vaginalnoe US - for prophylaxis.

08.04.2005, 06:08
For me it was a problem, the girlfriend spoke, that at it or her too, but after sorts or labors all has passed or has taken place. On so radical method from disposal be ill or sick I was not solved

And then, when there was a necessity for regular contraception, and I began to drink OK, this problem was solved by itself. I am afraid even to present, that will be, if I shall stop them to drink. Again - terrible pains and a plentiful menses?... And, diseases any in connection with gynecology are not present, is simple so the organism annoyingly reacts...