Просмотр полной версии : JAzvochki in a throat

19.03.2005, 19:56
For last 2 months already in 3 times appear. Painfully frequency of occurrence also disturbs. To the doctor went already time 3 in this occasion. Plainly he to me and has not told or said, what is it such, has written out only a gargle relieving a pain. Has told or said to address to the stomatologist. I asked, can take, check up any smear what is it - was not present. At me such question: it can be herpes (the virus is present at an organism) And vobshche what is it can be and as it to prevent

03.04.2005, 14:43
For last 2 months already in 3 times appear. Painfully frequency of occurrence also disturbs. To the doctor went already time 3 in this occasion. Plainly he to me and has not told or said, what is it such, has written out only a gargle relieving a pain. Has told or said to address to the stomatologist. I asked, can take, check up any smear what is it - was not present. At me such question: it can be herpes (the virus is present at an organism) And vobshche what is it can be and as it to prevent

Well it is simple ooooooochen similar on gerepes!

31.07.2005, 06:44
<img src = "images/smiles/icon_cry.gif" alt = " Crying or Very sad " border = "0"/>