Просмотр полной версии : Cracks: (

16.12.2004, 20:14
Today has noticed something like cracks on the right arm or hand where fingers incorporate or are bridged to a palm, in skladochkah. Thus between fingers is not present. And on the left arm or hand too is not present. And the skin in those places dry-dry, began to smear with a cream - so hardly poshchipyvaet, as if ranki. What is it interestingly? The fungus, or an avitaminosis can? Than to spread or what to eat, that to clinic to not go

29.12.2004, 15:30
Today has noticed something like cracks on the right arm or hand where fingers incorporate or are bridged to a palm, in skladochkah. Thus between fingers is not present. And on the left arm or hand too is not present. And the skin in those places dry-dry, began to smear with a cream - so hardly poshchipyvaet, as if ranki. What is it interestingly? The fungus, or an avitaminosis can? Than to spread or what to eat, that to clinic to not go

I do not think, what is it something terrible, most likely really avitaminosis... I do not remember, what precisely vitamin does not suffice. Can here doctors will appear and will tell or say... Simply these or it treshchinki or on arms or hand appear and more happens about eyes, in corners. Precisely I know, that in this case there is no vitamin... Who- would prompt still what...

09.01.2005, 22:02
Precisely avitaminosis...

Lena, simply Lena
11.01.2005, 18:02
At me a year 2 such chicken-feed. Becomes aggravated before krit. In the days and after washing utensils with Fejri. It hardly an avitaminosis since in the summer too often happens. Treshchinki sometimes burst already up to a blood-is sick or a blood-painfully.

I am am helped or assisted by homeopathic ointment of Calendulae. There are copecks.

Kroshka ru
24.01.2005, 02:03
Today has noticed something like cracks on the right arm or hand where fingers incorporate or are bridged to a palm, in skladochkah. Thus between fingers is not present. And on the left arm or hand too is not present. And the skin in those places dry-dry, began to smear with a cream - so hardly poshchipyvaet, as if ranki. What is it interestingly? The fungus, or an avitaminosis can? Than to spread or what to eat, that to clinic to not go

Disadvantage of vitamin E. And better a complex have a drink

24.01.2005, 10:13
For the beginning it is necessary to exclude a fungus. It is necessary to descend or go to the dermatologist.

If not a fungus, probably contact dermatitis (as reaction on washing -VA and other).

Vitamins on everyone will not prevent. Especially And, D, E.

08.02.2005, 23:05
Today has noticed something like cracks on the right arm or hand where fingers incorporate or are bridged to a palm, in skladochkah. Thus between fingers is not present. And on the left arm or hand too is not present. And the skin in those places dry-dry, began to smear with a cream - so hardly poshchipyvaet, as if ranki. What is it interestingly? The fungus, or an avitaminosis can? Than to spread or what to eat, that to clinic to not go

Disadvantage of vitamin E. And better a complex have a drink

First time I hear, that vitamin E in this case will help or assist. I have so-called "perleches" is ranki and an ecdysis in corners of labiums. The doctor to me appointed or nominated vitamin B2 (Riboflavinum still name it or him in tablets or nyxes). And so he well helps or assists me it or him appoint or nominate also at longly not healing wounds.

It I to that vitamin E, he certainly wonderful, but that is possible or probable not.

19.02.2005, 09:39
At me a year 2 such chicken-feed. Becomes aggravated before krit. In the days and after washing utensils with Fejri. It hardly an avitaminosis since in the summer too often happens. Treshchinki sometimes burst already up to a blood-is sick or a blood-painfully.

I am am helped or assisted by homeopathic ointment of Calendulae. There are copecks.

The house. You should iskljuchiotelno do or make job in gloves if an allergy on rubber buy or purchase h gloves under rubber. Smear with a cream for arms or hand (only that in itself was not a lot of Glycerinum) and all will be hockey

Lena, simply Lena
06.03.2005, 07:59
At me a year 2 such chicken-feed. Becomes aggravated before krit. In the days and after washing utensils with Fejri. It hardly an avitaminosis since in the summer too often happens. Treshchinki sometimes burst already up to a blood-is sick or a blood-painfully.

I am am helped or assisted by homeopathic ointment of Calendulae. There are copecks.

The house. You should iskljuchiotelno do or make job in gloves if an allergy on rubber buy or purchase h gloves under rubber. Smear with a cream for arms or hand (only that in itself was not a lot of Glycerinum) and all will be hockey

Ugu... But sometimes you will be too lazy gloves nadet-and greetings

15.03.2005, 19:20
And me have told or said, that such treshchinki on arms or hand or legs or foots appear from a disadvantage of vitamin A or at rising Saccharum in a blood. Has still noticed, that at me the skin on palms in the winter from a cold and from cold water dries. Sensations awful!

It is exact the doctor can tell or say only.

It not a fungus - is exact!!!

23.03.2005, 04:25
Better, certainly, to the doctor to seem. Can be both the disadvantage of vitamins, and Diabetum gives such complications (on arms or hand and legs or foots, yes in general in any cords or crimps, axillas, for example). And than has got to smear, it is possible to grease a picture for the doctor, is worse then to him will diagnose.

If absolutely nevmogotu, grease with a usual children's cream is better, from it or him nothing will be, except for a softening and small putting off or taking out of an inflammation. But he, certainly, all the same will not eliminate or erase;remove the reason.

01.04.2005, 09:33
Thanks, you have frightened me about Saccharum. Will have to hand over analyses

And about vitamins, a week I eat group In, and the disadvantage And is quite possible or probable...

04.04.2005, 01:50
At me a year 2 such chicken-feed. Becomes aggravated before krit. In the days and after washing utensils with Fejri. It hardly an avitaminosis since in the summer too often happens. Treshchinki sometimes burst already up to a blood-is sick or a blood-painfully.

I am am helped or assisted by homeopathic ointment of Calendulae. There are copecks.

The house. You should iskljuchiotelno do or make job in gloves if an allergy on rubber buy or purchase h gloves under rubber. Smear with a cream for arms or hand (only that in itself was not a lot of Glycerinum) and all will be hockey

Ugu... But sometimes you will be too lazy gloves nadet-and greetings

06.04.2005, 14:30
I had a similar problem in the summer

I even here wrote....

The terrible ecdysis, horror-horror has then begun... And this all in the summer

It has appeared - a poststressful allergy

Nifiga did not help or assist, I only am pumice tore off...

Has passed or Has taken place completely for a month 1,5.

13.04.2005, 17:43
Has passed or Has taken place completely for a month 1,5.

Too on one arm or hand? And itself means has passed or has taken place... The allergy Can on the mouse or mousy? Well nichyo... In a week in holiday, we shall look or see

13.05.2005, 20:46
Has passed or Has taken place completely for a month 1,5.

Too on one arm or hand? And itself means has passed or has taken place... The allergy Can on the mouse or mousy? Well nichyo... In a week in holiday, we shall look or see

On both was

No, to the mouse of the attitude or relation had no... Such side loonies to me have got out...

30.07.2005, 20:19
I had an ecdysis of palms. Precisely not a mushroom, and it is exact not an allergy, and it is exact not an avitaminosis. The girlfriend the dermatologist skazala.chto can be reaction to long stress and displays VSD.