Просмотр полной версии : Tea *quot; -aY*quot;

28.04.2005, 01:31
Who-string heard about such? (mozh not och has correctly written).

At me the girlfriend has spent on drink 1 course - polegchalo so (suffered constipations) .stul was normalized, the ecdysis on legs or foots there was, the smell from a mouth has disappeared. She up to lej- tried or tasted many different advertised or promoted agents, but result if was only for the period of reception of a preparation. And here 3 weeks after and all are excellent or different.

Me parameters except for constipations (like not staradaju) have involved all, but on packing is written " poslabljajushchee and diuretic ", moreover to consult to the doctor...

What think? And I do not know that already than an intestine to clean...

03.05.2005, 19:07
And what for then to clean, if constipations are not present? He not dirty.

07.05.2005, 11:39
So not a current constipations he zagrjaznjaetstsa.

11.05.2005, 03:28
chesslovo, not dirty he. There would be dirty, a bouquet of sores for a long time rastsvyol.

18.05.2005, 22:34
chesslovo, not dirty he. There would be dirty, a bouquet of sores for a long time rastsvyol.

Bouquets I suppress will power But the same smell from a mouth it is strong bespokit... And absence of constipations, I think, not a parameter of a good intestine. Is not present?

19.05.2005, 05:49
chesslovo, not dirty he. There would be dirty, a bouquet of sores for a long time rastsvyol.

Bouquets I suppress will power But the same smell from a mouth it is strong bespokit... And absence of constipations, I think, not a parameter of a good intestine. Is not present?

Not a parameter. But the smell from a mouth can be provoked both a status of a teeth, and malfunctions with a stomach.

The aunt
21.05.2005, 06:23
I certainly apologize, but have not understood can owing to an old age or \ or two one \. This tea should be drunk shob constipations was not If yes what for so dearly or expensively to pay when there is cheaper tea with senoj RED SLIM for example. Or LEJ DE by other part Explain to the aunt, can also to me too nadot to buy or purchase. And everyone drink that, and I one in ignorance, am insulting

24.05.2005, 23:59
And an intestine absolutely not dirty. Ask any normal gastroenterologist. All these fairy tales about slags....

31.05.2005, 19:23
Well not spets I, forgive or excuse unreasonable!

To mean a stomach nada to clean... Five than? Who than???

03.06.2005, 14:13
What for?! At you constipations? It is necessary to eliminate or erase;remove a problem. A diet to change, a dysbacteriosis to cure. What to sense from purgative and diuretic?

The visitor
10.06.2005, 06:55
Well not spets I, forgive or excuse unreasonable!

To mean a stomach nada to clean... Five than? Who than???

What to you so hunting something to clean?

Anything at you dirty is not present, neither an intestine, nor a stomach, a liver.

26.06.2005, 06:29
I have a good exercise from system Dao, for clearing a brain.

30.07.2005, 05:49
I have a good exercise from system Dao, for clearing a brain.
