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23.09.2004, 14:51
I especially am not overstrained!

But recently began to get tired of trifles (simple trips or affairs) even in target!

And if a little bit I shall be fidgety (absolutely slightly) the headache begins immediately, and for all remained day! Both no Aspirinums and other help or assist!

And how much all the same to not be nervous even it is a little for a day not probably, a headache now almost every day. And a status such as though I plough day. And it not so! I Get enough sleep!

But forces are not present!

And me only 28! Sensation, that up to 40- I shall not live - I shall die from weariness! What to do or make?

29.09.2004, 02:50
It is more than air, sleep with the open window leaf; waters drink more, tea is not considered and eventually, can in holiday it is time well or the superfluous day off take and do not do or make anything for 3 days of days off, have a rest. And still there can be a disadvantage of vitamins. Spend on drink vitamins of group In and.. Or can stresses, the valid what problem the basic space and head weariness can is from for which molejshy hurts also.....

Well or eventually to the doctor on check

06.10.2004, 10:20
And what vitamins really help or assist?

14.10.2004, 09:41
I would hand over a blood on parameters of vitamins.

Usually the mood and nervous system are influenced with vitamins of group of Century

16.10.2004, 20:03
At me precisely same malaise. On days off often it is necessary to go shopping, look for for repair something, and after arrival home such feeling as if the car has unloaded. Weakness. Yesterday after such Saturday all the day rolled, but to come to the senses and it was not possible. And me - 24 years.

22.10.2004, 16:42
At me precisely same malaise. On days off often it is necessary to go shopping, look for for repair something, and after arrival home such feeling as if the car has unloaded. Weakness. Yesterday after such Saturday all the day rolled, but to come to the senses and it was not possible. And me - 24 years.

Yes, strange. I too " cars unload all time ".

And you tried or tasted any agents?

24.10.2004, 17:48
Weather too not plays a small role. For me as the summer comes, so vjalajajajajaja...... I can do or make nothing.... And here from offensive or approach of autumn has much better felt and so always

Once again, vitamins B spend on drink, info can be read through in an Internet

28.10.2004, 08:11
And with a backbone at all of you by way of?

At me - the osteochondrosis, both weariness and headaches are almost always connected with a back. It is necessary to descend or go on massage, then legchaet for a long time.

From a headache I for a long time have ceased to drink tablets, and I shall massage to myself a neck and shoulders - at once passes or takes place.

04.11.2004, 14:50
Yes, with a backbone at me disagreement are available (and at whom they now are not present with such job and a way of life). If to speak about any measures against ustavanija I lay down in postelku, I drink chayochek and if legs or foots I do or make for them a tray or basin with sea salt strongly hoot, and then their box on a height that the edema has descended or gone a little. Here it and everything, that I do or make.

06.11.2004, 14:34
And at me with a backbone at all I do not know that. The neck and shoulders hurt from a computer when I overstay (from monotonous position) and so the horse-radish knows it or him.

Skolkih doctors need to be visited or attended what to learn or find out from what such status!

And thus, for certain each doctor will put the diagnosis.

Baba Manya
12.11.2004, 18:06
I would hand over a blood on parameters of vitamins.

Usually the mood and nervous system are influenced with vitamins of group of Century

I do not know as the analysis of a blood can show absence of vitamins. Here the low hemoglobin from a disadvantage of iron can show. Usually about a disadvantage of vitamins learn or find out on signs.

18.11.2004, 14:20
And still there is such disease, as " a syndrome of chronic weariness ". Just a case when you do or make nothing and from it or this so you get tired! Plus absolute apathy and unwillingness to move and a heap of other signs.

The some people speak, what is it in general virus disease. So or not - I do not know, but that to the doctor it is necessary to go and try it or him both for an avitaminosis, and for SHU is the fact.

19.11.2004, 04:08
And still there is such disease, as " a syndrome of chronic weariness ". Just a case when you do or make nothing and from it or this so you get tired! Plus absolute apathy and unwillingness to move and a heap of other signs.

The some people speak, what is it in general virus disease. So or not - I do not know, but that to the doctor it is necessary to go and try it or him both for an avitaminosis, and for SHU is the fact.

By the way, in listing one laboratory the analysis on this syndrome came across to me.

29.11.2004, 21:25
And still there is such disease, as " a syndrome of chronic weariness ". Just a case when you do or make nothing and from it or this so you get tired! Plus absolute apathy and unwillingness to move and a heap of other signs.

The some people speak, what is it in general virus disease. So or not - I do not know, but that to the doctor it is necessary to go and try it or him both for an avitaminosis, and for SHU is the fact.

By the way, in listing one laboratory the analysis on this syndrome came across to me.

The analysis, can, and will make, only here to treat it or him becomes far not each doctor and if becomes - not the fact, that will cure .... (((

07.12.2004, 00:07
ooo, about treatment SUCH is precisely!!! At us and less complex or difficult diseases can so to cure, that will regret that has addressed. And here, that the most important, you will not apply the universal prescription of the gynecologist: give birth - and all will pass or take place.

15.12.2004, 17:05
ooo, about treatment SUCH is precisely!!! At us and less complex or difficult diseases can so to cure, that will regret that has addressed. And here, that the most important, you will not apply the universal prescription of the gynecologist: give birth - and all will pass or take place.

Well, why you will not apply? Very much even you will apply: after sorts or labors SHU it is elementary replaced with postnatal or puerperal depression, and all are happy or enough: and the doctor, and patsient.-))))

And if it is serious, by that is known to me about this sore, to cure it or her it is impossible - it is possible to clean or remove signs simply. The long long rest, strengthening procedures, immunomoduljatory, still any psychotropic tabletusy - and for some time you feel not bad.

And then the next stress - and forward on new!

24.12.2004, 08:15
Well and SHO we wanted? To sit all the day long on the fifth point, pjaljas in a computer, to eat carcinogens, to breathe exhausts, to be angry in transport and other... At all that environment of dwelling, that to us the nature ugotovana was initially. Here also we pay off, victims of a civilization. Even more often above it or this also I reflect recently. It is necessary to move more activly, that we in forces to make this that, if an inhabitancy we can not change.

04.01.2005, 13:52
Well and SHO we wanted? To sit all the day long on the fifth point, pjaljas in a computer, to eat carcinogens, to breathe exhausts, to be angry in transport and other... At all that environment of dwelling, that to us the nature ugotovana was initially. Here also we pay off, victims of a civilization. Even more often above it or this also I reflect recently. It is necessary to move more activly, that we in forces to make this that, if an inhabitancy we can not change.

Yes, on skis to the ending of a life to run much more pleasantly and more quickly, than on foot or, on Emelinomu to the prescription, on pechke.-))))

11.01.2005, 04:15
Not, well chyo is faster? To run it will turn out more longly and more pleasantly, than to go on an oven.

21.01.2005, 06:00
With run is more cautious in such status, and that here at me the tachycardia begins as soon as activly to move I begin (for example very quickly I go).: And earlier was not such.

30.01.2005, 05:11
World famous Parisian predskazatelnitsa

(From descendants Milermana which has predicted or forecast destiny of Napoleon).

I connect or bridge home life and I remove or I take out decay by prays.

I take or spend the strongest ceremonies on restoration of attitudes or relations, privoroty, tops, etc.

The experience of 43 years.


09.02.2005, 05:24
Most likely at you a -vascular dystonia. And now, on a background of any long stress, there was an exacerbation. Well, briefly it you will not explain. You need to exclude the reason of stress from the life, to calm down, constantly, especially before a dream, to repeat the positive equipments or installations for myself (" I healthy, quiet, I with all shall consult ", etc.). Really to calm down. But to not idle. To find employment or occupation, a cat. You would absorb entirely. That you had no time to think of weariness or a head. Yes, this all is possible or probable. And at all of you it will turn out. By the way, in the spring and in the autumn usually there is exacerbation VSD.

10.02.2005, 06:07
I too had constant headaches of nothing removed or taken out. The head as a weak part, reacted to all - magnetic storms, a pagoda, a full moon, stress, weariness, etc. I has gone to the neuropathologist and to me have appointed or nominated -acupuncture! Have spent only 4 sessions and has helped or assisted....

11.02.2005, 10:12
And still there is such disease, as " a syndrome of chronic weariness ". Just a case when you do or make nothing and from it or this so you get tired! Plus absolute apathy and unwillingness to move and a heap of other signs.

The some people speak, what is it in general virus disease. So or not - I do not know, but that to the doctor it is necessary to go and try it or him both for an avitaminosis, and for SHU is the fact.

I, under the truth, because of it or this here also was registered, even have written to that subject. But here conversation is more serious. I of more month drink Undevitum and askorbinku, but shift is not present. Addressed to doctors, having assumed at itself chronic weariness. One ordered to eat Undevitum and askorbinku, another offered very dear or expensive preparation having the same properties, as cheap Undevitum.

However, Mi-miranda has installed "optimism" - to cure it is impossible - it is possible to clean or remove signs simply. And then the next stress - and forward on new!

18.02.2005, 16:03
And still there is such disease, as " a syndrome of chronic weariness ". Just a case when you do or make nothing and from it or this so you get tired! Plus absolute apathy and unwillingness to move and a heap of other signs.

The some people speak, what is it in general virus disease. So or not - I do not know, but that to the doctor it is necessary to go and try it or him both for an avitaminosis, and for SHU is the fact.

I, under the truth, because of it or this here also was registered, even have written to that subject. But here conversation is more serious. I of more month drink Undevitum and askorbinku, but shift is not present. Addressed to doctors, having assumed at itself chronic weariness. One ordered to eat Undevitum and askorbinku, another offered very dear or expensive preparation having the same properties, as cheap Undevitum.

However, Mi-miranda has installed "optimism" - to cure it is impossible - it is possible to clean or remove signs simply. And then the next stress - and forward on new!

Girls my dear, that from vitamins would be oshchutimyj effect them gently to drink on a regular basis. And having spent on drink a month-not wait for fast result!!! He can come or step only after 2-3 months of reception, especially for inhabitants of megacities.