Просмотр полной версии : Disturbance of flora

-not-little fool
02.06.2005, 07:30
Problem in the following. The thrush has tortured. I the doctor could not cure half a year. I have replaced the doctor. Has handed over all possible or probable analyses. Have found (I do not know, how the bacterial vaginosis and uroplazmu is correctly written). The doctor has written out antibiotics. MCH cannot get out to the doctor in any way. I.e. me while to be treated it is useless. But I in tech a month in the morning on an empty stomach and for the night drank sour-milk useful bacteria of type bifidumbakterina. Unpleasant sensations and a thrush have disappeared. Opinions on dannomuu to a question?

Yes, the doctor has told or said, that these things should be treated only in the event that I am going to to become pregnant or something disturbs.

04.06.2005, 08:12
If the gynecologist so speaks, means, it so!

05.06.2005, 06:29
The thrush by the way even from stress happens or when sweet pereesh. When it is not absolutely started, it is possible j ogurt on wads in a vagina to enter (not only to eat), too helps or assists for normalization of flora.

08.06.2005, 18:20
polizhinaks still helps or assists!

10.06.2005, 22:34
Yes, the doctor has told or said, that these things should be treated only in the event that I am going to to become pregnant or something disturbs.

Descend or Go with results of analyses to other doctor who will tell or say what to treat it is necessary in any case. Infections can lead to inflammations and solderings, then there will be problems with pregnancy, it is necessary to you?

-not-little fool
14.06.2005, 15:45
SEE, what's the matter... It not absolutely infections. It is the normal flora which is present at a female organism, it is simple much (according to the doctor)

15.06.2005, 06:54
SEE, what's the matter... It not absolutely infections. It is the normal flora which is present at a female organism, it is simple much (according to the doctor)

And what the doctor, nothing has advised poprinimat for normalization of a microflora? Well the same bifidobakterii or Vobenzim? Strange somehow all it...

Again Miss
15.06.2005, 08:25
SEE, what's the matter... It not absolutely infections. It is the normal flora which is present at a female organism, it is simple much (according to the doctor)

It is correct, only is still njuans:

If at the general or common smear inflammatory cells are found out, it is necessary to treat and a ureaplasma, and gardnerelez (or as there it or him it is correct..). And if there are no these cells it is possible to not treat.

16.06.2005, 05:49
Miss " if still is errozija this all is interconnected agree with " Again. The latent infections irritate all mucous, it influences on erroziju, the flora accordingly spoils. At a smear on flora comes to light or is taped vospolitelnyj process and many leucocytes. Then it is necessary to treat. Esle will not treat, sooner or later there will be an itch.

-not-little fool
20.06.2005, 08:09
The general or common smear shows nothing, erosion is not present.... I Am afraid to drink antibiotics - as time from them at me and there is a thrush. The doctor has registered everyones lactic, including bifidumbakterin after antibiotics

23.06.2005, 21:02
I consider or count, that these "things" to treat follows in any case. Even, if be not going to to become pregnant. To be treated it is necessary only together. For men procedure of delivery of analyses not only unpleasant, but also morbid. But, unfortunately, without it or this in any way.

I was at war with a thrush about 3 months. Once at a forum painted, that to me have registered. First antibiotics, and then (about 1.5 months) accepted the preparations restoring flora and strengthening immunity. Now like it's OK (ttt). Simply yearly ehinatseju intramusculary.

28.06.2005, 08:45
When it is not absolutely started, it is possible j ogurt on wads in a vagina to enter (not only to eat), too helps or assists for normalization of flora.

What yoghurt that? Not well it is clear what not fruit and not with mjusli

Idle time without additives low-fat that-?

29.06.2005, 02:39
To treat on any it is necessary. Only here to cure finally all this hren it is complex or difficult. At least to me. I shall spend on drink antibiotics, like it's OK. In some months again and uroplazma with a mycoplasma, both a candidiasis, and leucocytes there and then. A nightmare. Has replaced some doctors. I can not find normal genikologa in any way that the effect from the treatment registered by it or him kept even year. Misters, someone was possible to get rid of these infections once and for all?

Lena, simply Lena
01.07.2005, 09:51
To treat on any it is necessary. Only here to cure finally all this hren it is complex or difficult. At least to me. I shall spend on drink antibiotics, like it's OK. In some months again and uroplazma with a mycoplasma, both a candidiasis, and leucocytes there and then. A nightmare. Has replaced some doctors. I can not find normal genikologa in any way that the effect from the treatment registered by it or him kept even year. Misters, someone was possible to get rid of these infections once and for all?

And where leucocytes find? Whether in a smear that?

06.07.2005, 11:58
To treat on any it is necessary. Only here to cure finally all this hren it is complex or difficult. At least to me. I shall spend on drink antibiotics, like it's OK. In some months again and uroplazma with a mycoplasma, both a candidiasis, and leucocytes there and then. A nightmare. Has replaced some doctors. I can not find normal genikologa in any way that the effect from the treatment registered by it or him kept even year. Misters, someone was possible to get rid of these infections once and for all?

And where leucocytes find? Whether in a smear that?

I hand over a smear on flora. There leucocytes in a vagina and tsirvikalnom the channel are found out. In a urethra of leucocytes is not present.

28.07.2005, 20:15
SEE, what's the matter... It not absolutely infections. It is the normal flora which is present at a female organism, it is simple much (according to the doctor)

I, certainly, not the gynecologist, but all the same if it find out in a smear it is necessary to treat. Someone from girls wrote, and perfectly, that these infections (or there flora much) cause all both erosion, and an inflammation. And liked "Thrush" accompanies them therefore all over again it is necessary treats these things, and then a thrush... You need to consult to the doctor as well as that... Here.)