Просмотр полной версии : Oh, people help or assist!!!!: ((

20.04.2005, 11:53
At me barley has started to climb...

First easier or simply to blink it was sick, and now it is strongly sick.... At razgljadyvanii zametela small begun shishechku, like barley.... I am afraid, that tomorrow I shall wake up, and at me all red.... And the doctor does not work on days off

.... Somebody Can knows how to make that an inflammation has passed or has taken place.... Can put or apply something.... At me last time barley was still in children's sadike...

26.04.2005, 02:41
Let somebody from friends will unexpectedly spit to face.

For plots search in a network is one of illnesses or diseases which for some reason passes or takes place (better a cancer or spid).

It is possible to weld or cook an egg. To clear and while hot - to hold.

Or a bag with tea - tea have made, a bag approximately, charez polchasika new.

26.04.2005, 09:19
Let somebody from friends will unexpectedly spit to face.

For plots search in a network is one of illnesses or diseases which for some reason passes or takes place (better a cancer or spid).

Nightmare! It is delirium, forgive or excuse.

02.05.2005, 05:03
Yaska, for whom delirium, and for whom and the truth. (shrugs brachiums). Everyone chooses as him to be treated, and plots are checked up on many.

03.05.2005, 09:49
More shortly it is strong in a panic do not fight!!

In the first come into a drugstore buy or purchase a medicine, ask, something will advise.

Well, and in the second you take a bag of tea, you make and you impose on eyes of minutes 15 will lie down, to make not less than 3-5 times a day, I recommend on myself tried or tasted.

Have a rest, less at light look


10.05.2005, 11:06
To me as that oftalmologo in such cases has advised a wadding stick with alcohol or vodka prizhech a head of barley, tried or tasted - helps or assists. Be not frightened that alcohol, he quickly disappears also a eye does not burn.

13.05.2005, 00:19
C all for advice or councils.... I already with tea put bags... Like releases or lets off... Then again begins...

13.05.2005, 04:00
With alcohol and vodka efficient advice or council. Only I mucous cauterize, shchipet - yes, but through 20 mines and shishki was not present

Lena, simply Lena
21.05.2005, 11:27
Better not with alcohol, and spirituous Tinctura Calendulae to smear a blepharon.

And still it is necessary to drink a -string for maintenance of immunity and vitamin C. And to be in heat!!! And advice or council with tea too good.

Barley the main thing to not start, differently he can pererasti in haljazion which so simply you will not remove, it is necessary to cut

30.05.2005, 07:49
And at me yesterday has jumped on an eye maaaaalenky puzyrik, thought barley, but not he. By the evening itself has passed or has taken place. Today has gone to leave to the doctor, has asked at the same time, speaks this or thus one of displays ORVI.

But yesterday has collected a heap of methods of treatment of barley, the most part here is listed, and still the grandmother has by right of succession passed plot which speaks helps or assists very much. If want, write on unika@mail.ru, I shall send.

31.05.2005, 15:19
And at me yesterday has jumped on an eye maaaaalenky puzyrik, thought barley, but not he. By the evening itself has passed or has taken place. Today has gone to leave to the doctor, has asked at the same time, speaks this or thus one of displays ORVI.

Ah here it that! ORVI it appears this bjaku causes!

At me in general this week continuous fun was

First on the left eye was going to to get out barley. I at once a shock dose of " the Immune formula " zazhevala, by the evening have passed or have taken place all. I drink at once, for the present only the hint on barley appears. And next day on the right eye to blink became nekomfortno, continued to drink "immunku", by the evening again vproshlo on an eye, but the dyscomfort in the right part of a throat Here in a course hot tea with honey has started to be felt has gone. Next day all has passed or has taken place.

11.06.2005, 06:07
Yes, the doctor has told or said, that at it or this puzyrika (not barley... Namely such transparent small puzyrik, does not hurt, easier or simply to blink stirs or prevents... As though on an eye there-here scratches, brrr), and so, at it or him the general or common nature with same in a throat if to get accustomed, it is visible.

Passes or Takes place itself, but warm tea on eyes still stirred or prevented nobody.

13.06.2005, 01:26
Yaska, for whom delirium, and for whom and the truth. (shrugs brachiums). Everyone chooses as him to be treated, and plots are checked up on many.

Me so "to treat" tried some times the Chicken-feed of all this! For me, at least. I believe only in traditional medicine.

24.06.2005, 00:05
Yaska, and to me just helped or assisted also to the grandmother and detju and more to a heap of friends. If not simple plot - would go on half a year on heatings, and tablets would swallow of everyones, etc. Therefore to that that...

28.07.2005, 12:56
Yaska, and to me just helped or assisted also to the grandmother and detju and more to a heap of friends. If not simple plot - would go on half a year on heatings, and tablets would swallow of everyones, etc. Therefore to that that...

It is good, that to you has helped or assisted

Simply I do not believe that I can not explain from the scientific point of view