Просмотр полной версии : Your advice or council is very necessary

11.10.2004, 13:15
Greetings, little girls. Here has decided to consult all over again to you, having described the problem. Up to the doctor in any way shall reach-acute shortage of time (I think, it is familiar to much) .proshche, sitting at a computer at job to remove or take off the doubts, having shared with you a little. The question in : an extent enough long time me disturbs an itch and allocation of milk or dairy character. Somewhere hardly there is more than year back to me diagnosed "thrush", have registered course of treatment. Month through two I from this muck like have got rid. Now in general horror. I do not speak that I sit also an itch is constant, but it does not pass or take place and very much disturbs. We shall tell or say, an itch of chronic character Mucous it is angry, have inside appeared (I do not know how to describe) something like tiny papillas. Also go plentiful milk or dairy allocation (as water), sometimes in the form of small clots of light color which cause the strongest itch. Little girls what will advise? Any more I do not know what to do or make. With hygiene all in OnnN-th chistjulja at heart. What is it can be? A thrush with continuation or something or something else?

In advance thanks all

15.10.2004, 06:19
It is a thrush!!! This such disgusting piece, her never up to the extremity or end you recover. But all taki I advise to descend or go to the doctor, and to undergo treatment both most and to the sexual partner

23.10.2004, 15:24
My advice or council is unequivocal: to the doctor! To define or determine the originator and to appoint or nominate corresponding or meeting treatment while process is not started and did not become chronic.

30.10.2004, 03:36
To be stunned! It as chronic can be???? And how to understand it is not started?! Can, already? And the unequivocal diagnosis... You think, there can be something in parallel a thrush? Little girls, and it cannot be connected with hormonal disturbances?

30.10.2004, 15:02
You so be not frightened!

We here to you ponastavim diagnoses!

I understand, that time is difficult to find, but better to put the correct diagnosis at once, than to exhaust vainly money and health.

02.11.2004, 06:07
Only vylechjus after a while again appears, only I shall be taken off or shall recover and again after a while. A heap genekologov has replaced. One of them has appointed or nominated paralellnoe treatment to me and the husband. After that I have forgotten about a thrush. So, I think, it is necessary to be treated to both partners.

07.11.2004, 03:53
Yes is not present. You do not frighten me. I very much am grateful to you. Simply absolutely zadergalas, time is not present, and is restless because of "problem", therefore has decided to consult to you. I descend or go, certainly... To get out only..

The visitor
20.11.2004, 12:47
I had something similar. It seems to me that somehow in a sauna has sat... The Nearest doctor up to which the friend was cunning

pediatorsha. She under my story has written out to me 2% (vaginalnaja ointment) and to spend on drink Zinnat (it is an antibiotic). Fie-fie

All has passed or has taken place for 3 days...

The visitor
11.12.2004, 13:17
I had something similar. It seems to me that somehow in a sauna has sat... The Nearest doctor up to which the friend was cunning

pediatorsha. She under my story has written out to me 2% (vaginalnaja ointment) and to spend on drink Zinnat (it is an antibiotic). Fie-fie

All has passed or has taken place for 3 days...

16.12.2004, 15:56
And me registered Nistatinum. Tablets and ointment-then has helped or assisted, now a fig..

25.12.2004, 09:21
Small papillas it is papillomas. They arise and in an aperture of a rectum, only that-O has forgotten because of what.

And at you on signs a thrush as here already also spoke. Spend on drink a course of vitamins A E With, it is necessary to correct for immunity. You do not accept hormonal?

07.01.2005, 23:59
No, now hormonal not prinimaju.pappilomy... Little girls, a pancake, and what is this nonsense such?

Yes, with immunity at me a trouble.. Only I shall seize simply a rhinitis or will blow it is a little, at once also herpes vylezaet.tut has spent on drink a course atsiklovira, and ointment still atsiklovir I use, when on a labium this hrenka jumps out..

Can, something and with it or this is interconnected? I have already got confused...

05.02.2005, 14:44
polazila on a forum, someone from little girls in a former subject which already activly is not discussed, has specified a site about papillomas, kandilomah (.http: // www.kondiloma.ru) .ja there has come-site accessible on a statement, good... But now it seems to me, I have everything, that there is written...

01.03.2005, 12:19
In my opinion, you have a serious occasion to find time for a campaign to the doctor if we can give advice or councils at a forum to be treated it is necessary only through the doctor.

10.03.2005, 14:57
jariwka, I shall repeat - to the doctor, and do not take in head to accept medicine which here are listed, the doctor should appoint or nominate treatment, and accepting all it is possible to receive time or temporary improvement successively, and then all will strongly worsen...

About condylomas: they not small, but healthy, millimeter in 2-5 height, are passed sexual by... brrr, a vile piece, but treat them quickly, cauterize an acid any, for some sessions.

16.03.2005, 04:26
Well here, at me similar too was. Discussed recently. It is necessary to the doctor and analyses, then to look. If it suddenly papillomas then a virus, and on a background it or him and the thrush climbs. But also these papillomas can itch. Be not upset, have patience and to the doctor.

And if an itch intolerable, I certainly would help or assist myself, whether well Clotrimazolum what to spread. Though is faster to the doctor better, only good it is necessary, that did not heal, and have appointed or nominated the necessary analyses, etc.

05.04.2005, 11:19
Thanks all! I go to make an appointment with the doctor. Strashnooo! But I shall think of everything, that you here have prompted me and that in the extremity-extremities or extremity-ends;end-extremities this my health and it is the most important. As I descend or go-shall write results (I know what to share it will not be restrained)

All once again thanks and success!

28.07.2005, 09:06
Unika, and what the virus means? A virus of that?