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*Pretty Snake*
13.02.2005, 03:44
Again - taki problems of a figure after sorts or labors.

Up to pregnancy I was 90-60-90 Now to the child of half-year and I can not return to the sizes in any way. That I have dumped or reset weight almost at once, 57 kg at body height 172, but this weight was distributed or allocated at all as it is necessary At me type of a figure now I. The waist of 70 Femurs 87 Looks or Appears as if flexures in general are not present. Plus to all the priest has drooped but if I try to swing or pump it or her, like anything so, is tightened, but more priests are pumped up legs or foots above a knee. Also look or appear thick

If to sit on a diet, legs or foots become normal, - the priest disappears in general

What can advise? How to be engaged, as 7

23.02.2005, 07:20
Waist former to return, probably, most hardly. Also has put at all in nakoplenom Adeps, and in that that ribs during pregnancy and sorts or labors rasshodjatsja and then so up to the extremity or end and do not converge. With femurs the same problemma. Anyway, so it seems to me...... Correct, if it is not right

*Pretty Snake*
24.02.2005, 19:24
The Waist former to return, probably, most hardly. Also has put at all in nakoplenom Adeps, and in that that ribs during pregnancy and sorts or labors rasshodjatsja and then so up to the extremity or end and do not converge. With femurs the same problemma. Anyway, so it seems to me...... Correct, if it is not right

Mmdja... Have not consoled. To me even to the priest on a place to return, thus thighs not having increased Ato as about summer, of a beach I shall think - mood to spoil

11.03.2005, 08:18
The Waist former to return, probably, most hardly. Also has put at all in nakoplenom Adeps, and in that that ribs during pregnancy and sorts or labors rasshodjatsja and then so up to the extremity or end and do not converge. With femurs the same problemma. Anyway, so it seems to me...... Correct, if it is not right

Not naju, all at me has converged after sorts or labors. Adeps on a waist and femurs superfluous was not after sorts or labors, more likely on the contrary the Waist was on sm same as up to pregnancy. An another matter, that now due to its or her prorolling I have increased it or her by 6 sm

And at girlfriends all too has converged. Simply some girlfriends have typed or collected weight and were greater or big after sorts or labors due to Adeps. But now shudnuli and even became more thin, than in girlhood

12.03.2005, 04:23
Mmdja... Have not consoled. To me even to the priest on a place to return, thus thighs not having increased Ato as about summer, of a beach I shall think - mood to spoil

It will not be possible to increase a muscle of breeches, not having increased a femur thus. That femurs were not looked too massive, it is necessary to drive Adeps first of all from them are aerobic loads (hotba, run, aerobics and so forth) and revision of a delivery. For augmentation and giving of a tonus to muscles - power or force loads (see prikreplenku).

20.03.2005, 04:50
The Waist former to return, probably, most hardly. Also has put at all in nakoplenom Adeps, and in that that ribs during pregnancy and sorts or labors rasshodjatsja and then so up to the extremity or end and do not converge. With femurs the same problemma. Anyway, so it seems to me...... Correct, if it is not right

Not naju, all at me has converged after sorts or labors. Adeps on a waist and femurs superfluous was not after sorts or labors, more likely on the contrary the Waist was on sm same as up to pregnancy. An another matter, that now due to its or her prorolling I have increased it or her by 6 sm

And at girlfriends all too has converged. Simply some girlfriends have typed or collected weight and were greater or big after sorts or labors due to Adeps. But now shudnuli and even became more thin, than in girlhood

And I and not utvrzhdaju, that so it at all. But at me just such variant. Speech does not go about 15-20, such difference due to a divergence of bones is already difficult for writing off or for copying. But pair a three of sm..... At the same weight, the waist and is wider than a femur, not much more, but more widely is the fact. And some my familiar mums complain too of it though excess weight at them is not present. Here such here a phenomenon.

07.04.2005, 16:15
And I and not utvrzhdaju, that so it at all.

*Pretty Snake*
25.04.2005, 23:52
Mmdja... Have not consoled. To me even to the priest on a place to return, thus thighs not having increased Ato as about summer, of a beach I shall think - mood to spoil

It will not be possible to increase a muscle of breeches, not having increased a femur thus. That femurs were not looked too massive, it is necessary to drive Adeps first of all from them are aerobic loads (hotba, run, aerobics and so forth) and revision of a delivery. For augmentation and giving of a tonus to muscles - power or force loads (see prikreplenku).

Has not understood.. First to drive Adeps with beder and then to swing or pump to the priest or one and another together to do or make. Sorri if a silly question, the beginner I

And a waist I do not hope any more such as was to make. I laid with small in hospital, for eto time 4 kilo have dumped or reset, a board-board, and a waist 69!

09.05.2005, 20:07
Has not understood.. First to drive Adeps with beder and then to swing or pump to the priest or one and another together to do or make.!

It is possible to drive all over again Adeps, it is then borrowed or occupied by augmentation of muscular mass, it is possible and on the contrary (but tada a keg can become as muscles will increase, and fatty remains former or even will increase and on volumes become even more). About simultaneously: it is practically impossible, as processes opposing. How much or As far as I know, including from own practice, simultaneously to reduce a fatty layer and to increase or be enlarged muscles it turns out a current at the initial stage. Further to combine it it will not turn out. At the initial stage of a muscle well grow as at last receive a long-awaited load. Further to punch them it is necessary to get out of a skin. To organize an eutrophy, is more calories, than you spend, that was from what to muscles to grow, well to eat, that there were forces to pull greater or big for themselves weight that a muscle to stimulate. At a ration directed on decrease of a fatty layer to grow up a muscle it will not be possible, as kalorazh a ration it is done or made less, than you spend.

15.05.2005, 05:55
At still more few time has passed or has taken place after sorts or labors. Still all can become on a place, well and if with trainings that becomes exact as was.

It, certainly, all individually, but is necessary on the average about one year, and happens and 2 to be restored. 6 months very small term. I in general have turned to a caricature, I always had a thin top, and after sorts or labors and a stomach or belly and cords or crimps on a back Now I have not grown thin yet, weight big, but redistribution of Adeps already begins napiminat that that was, at what it has begun even before playing sports.

*Pretty Snake*
27.07.2005, 02:19
At still more few time has passed or has taken place after sorts or labors. Still all can become on a place, well and if with trainings that becomes exact as was.

It, certainly, all individually, but is necessary on the average about one year, and happens and 2 to be restored. 6 months very small term. I in general have turned to a caricature, I always had a thin top, and after sorts or labors and a stomach or belly and cords or crimps on a back Now I have not grown thin yet, weight big, but redistribution of Adeps already begins napiminat that that was, at what it has begun even before playing sports.

Adg-val, thanks big, I shall try or taste

lochka, I hope so it and will be but I shall help or assist myself trainings is better. The back that on a place will not return and the stomach or belly at me is not present. Strange enough, likely really to a bone dispatch or deliver;have missed as Lunaja speaks...