Просмотр полной версии : Break at reception OK

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-not-little fool
22.04.2005, 06:53
Three doctors have expressed different opinion. I drink two years. Whether it is necessary to do or make a break and for what term?

23.04.2005, 15:39
On your discretion

And what they have told or said?

I for example, consider or count even pair memjatsev in a year it would be necessary to have a rest.

25.04.2005, 16:29
I too hold the opinion, what not big pereryvchik is necessary. I without interruption accepted somewhere year and 3-4 months, and here now I do not accept ok 3 months.

26.04.2005, 21:24
Doctors never about breaks spoke me. I drank OK 9 years without interruption.

27.04.2005, 05:20
Personally my opinion - to do or make. Even on couple of months, somewhere through each year 2.

Earlier did or made, and consequences any were not. Last time three years the saw, now hormones rage, and with them and a cycle.

28.04.2005, 04:52
Doctors never about breaks spoke Me. I drank OK 9 years without interruption.

To me spoke. Only spoke, tchob the break was no more than 2 months So here as will make.

30.04.2005, 16:09
Doctors never about breaks spoke Me. I drank OK 9 years without interruption.


01.05.2005, 22:15
Doctors never about breaks spoke Me. I drank OK 9 years without interruption.


That "OGO". And fine itself felt. At least it is better than without OK.

The visitor
02.05.2005, 13:09
When in Rosii a vein, doctors advised to do or make a break. In Germany speak - it is not necessary.

After you stopped people and who from you had spots on the face to accept OK? I here too have decided to hammer on them for ever, but from 3 people heard. That at them after the termination or discontinuance of reception OK huge pryshchary got out.

The visitor
04.05.2005, 06:02
OK often lead to the raised or increased coagulability of a blood.. Pay to this attention and pereodicheski supervise your blood.. My result of reception OK in current of 2,5 years is a clottage..

05.05.2005, 09:57
My doctor and the doctor of my girlfriend speak, that having rummaged in reception OK to do or make it is necessary. That our genesial system to work has not forgot

And such that for its or his time your natural cycle was restored, and it and for 6 months not at all occurs or happens.

-not-little fool
05.05.2005, 13:05
On a site of clinic of Copper have told or said - time in three years...

Doctors speak - yearly, in two and in three years - three doctors sootsetstvenno. A pancake what to do or make I do not know...

07.05.2005, 04:41
On a site of clinic of Copper have told or said - time in three years...

Doctors speak - yearly, in two and in three years - three doctors sootsetstvenno. A pancake what to do or make I do not know...

Familiar situation... When doctors do not know what to do-do or do-make;make-do with what you according to or agree more only. If it seems to you that yearly a break-it that that is necessary, do or make so. If you think, that vobshche it is not necessary and do not do or make. About itself: when the gynecologist could not explain to me normally about OK and about their reception-not reception, I have simply thrown this "pleasure" since then if that, Would not give, to disentangle us, women and when the doctor for whom we so hope and we listen closely or attentively to its or his verdict mumbles something muffled and the third under the bill in sense of opinion-yes well this all on figs!!!!!!

09.05.2005, 20:25
When in Rosii a vein, doctors advised to do or make a break. In Germany speak - it is not necessary.

After you stopped people and who from you had spots on the face to accept OK? I here too have decided to hammer on them for ever, but from 3 people heard. That at them after the termination or discontinuance of reception OK huge pryshchary got out.

At me spots povylezali because of OK so after a cancelling all has returned to a normal status. It as at whom-corrected or -rules in this business is not present, I think that the skin should return to that status that was before reception OK

12.05.2005, 11:36
After you stopped people and who from you had spots on the face to accept OK? I here too have decided to hammer on them for ever, but from 3 people heard. That at them after the termination or discontinuance of reception OK huge pryshchary got out.

Any spots. Neither up to, nor during, after

13.05.2005, 20:36
OK often lead to the raised or increased coagulability of a blood.. Pay to this attention and pereodicheski supervise your blood.. My result of reception OK in current of 2,5 years is a clottage..

It seems to me that OK do not lead to the raised or increased coagulability, and aggravate preconditions to her., if those are available. If a blood normal by way of coagulability OK cannot take in most cases yes to turn or turn over all from legs or foots on a head. And when a blood and so with the raised or increased coagulability the chance of a clottage estessno grows. So us in institute learned or taught.

The visitor
15.05.2005, 18:37
OK often lead to the raised or increased coagulability of a blood.. Pay to this attention and pereodicheski supervise your blood.. My result of reception OK in current of 2,5 years is a clottage..

It seems to me that OK do not lead to the raised or increased coagulability, and aggravate preconditions to her., if those are available. If a blood normal by way of coagulability OK cannot take in most cases yes to turn or turn over all from legs or foots on a head. And when a blood and so with the raised or increased coagulability the chance of a clottage estessno grows. So us in institute learned or taught.

The doctor asked me, whether there is no such predisposition and whether who suffers in family it or this.

16.05.2005, 20:55
Three doctors have expressed different opinion. I drink two years. Whether it is necessary to do or make a break and for what term?

Toiled with the same questions while accepted OK, as a result did or made breaks, threw, etc.

And now I use adhesive tapes and I am not soared. With them a break to do or make it is not necessary, they do not bring harm to an organism, and to refuse them it will be necessary only if I shall decide to become pregnant, for a half-year to restore function of ovaries. The truth at this time, it is necessary to be protected by other agents and they not such convenient.

18.05.2005, 23:07
Doctors about a break spoke nothing to me. I have decided them to do or make, that the organism has not forgotten the job. I do or make yearly 4 months in current of 5 years.

20.05.2005, 23:43
Three doctors have expressed different opinion. I drink two years. Whether it is necessary to do or make a break and for what term?

Toiled with the same questions while accepted OK, as a result did or made breaks, threw, etc.

And now I use adhesive tapes and I am not soared. With them a break to do or make it is not necessary, they do not bring harm to an organism, and to refuse them it will be necessary only if I shall decide to become pregnant, for a half-year to restore function of ovaries. The truth at this time, it is necessary to be protected by other agents and they not such convenient.

To me the doctor has told or said that with any hormonal agent it is necessary to do or make a break in reception, and it too concerns to adhesive tapes. So it is better to not scorn this opinion!

I year and 3 months use adhesive tapes and a break I wish to make in couple of months. I MCH leaves to study so vohmozhnot be injury or damage for itself(himself) for it or him will "work" to an organism independently.

22.05.2005, 07:10
Doctors spoke all to me, that any breaks to do or make it is not necessary. Because perestorojka an organism for 2-3 months on the hormones, then again on iskustvennye - the certain stress. To stop them to drink it is necessary before planning of pregnancy - here. And to interrupt in the middle of a cycle...... I drink 6 years without interruption.....

23.05.2005, 22:57
And to interrupt in the middle of a cycle......

-not-little fool
25.05.2005, 09:37
On a site of copper to me have responded, that a break it is necessary to do or make time in three years for the term of vostanovlenija a cycle

28.05.2005, 12:02
Strange this business. When I still lived in Russia, to me my gynecologist always reminded about a break in reception OK. In the USA I live 3 years; I have replaced here already some gynecologists, and all of them repeat, that any breaks to do or make it is not necessary (thus doing or making huge eyes). Some girl-friends too spoke me, as in Russia recently began to advise the same (particularly, in Moscow). So to that to believe, not clearly.

29.05.2005, 15:12
Strange this business. When I still lived in Russia, to me my gynecologist always reminded about a break in reception OK. In the USA I live 3 years; I have replaced here already some gynecologists, and all of them repeat, that any breaks to do or make it is not necessary (thus doing or making huge eyes). Some girl-friends too spoke me, as in Russia recently began to advise the same (particularly, in Moscow). So to that to believe, not clearly.

And figs them will understand. I on arrival to Staffs or States have decided to change lenses. What I used in Ukraine, it has appeared here do not sell about 85 years.. And I wore, was happy or enough even