Просмотр полной версии : About postinor and possible or probable pregnancy

11.05.2005, 08:05
At me already was temka "postinor". I shall remind:

In the middle of a cycle it was necessary to accept postinor since the condom has torn. A tablet has accepted in current of 12 hours.

Cycle of 28-30 days. Last monthly were on May, 20th.

And now a delay 5 days!!!!!


I can appear the pregnant woman in such sitatsii? Terribly! Help or assist! What is it can be?

12.05.2005, 05:30
Make the test for pregnancy.

Whether learn or find out there can be you the pregnant woman.

Or you wish to learn or find out cleanly theoretically?

13.05.2005, 07:27
After postinora this quite normal phenomenon

15.05.2005, 17:31
Or you wish to learn or find out cleanly theoretically?

Yes, I wish to learn or find out cleanly theoretically. I do not wish to do or make the test since for these or it 2-3 minutes can to get under way also mind or wit from a fright

18.05.2005, 17:46
After Pastinora all is broken. So it is not surprising that at you a delay, give the god that she will be 5-7 days, and that can and more. You have mocked at an organism when saws these tablets. So do not panic, and try to restore the cycle.

19.05.2005, 05:29
Or you wish to learn or find out cleanly theoretically?

Yes, I wish to learn or find out cleanly theoretically. I do not wish to do or make the test since for these or it 2-3 minutes can to get under way also mind or wit from a fright

Yes, all is better to get under way or be tampered with by mind or wit of 5 days, than to make for 2 minutes the test

21.05.2005, 13:49
So do not panic, and try to restore the cycle.

And how to restore a cycle?

21.05.2005, 22:49
The delay seems to me, if at you in this cycle, not obligatory, that in sled.budet as. Probably, with sled.tsikla all will be OK

22.05.2005, 21:46
When to me there were 18 years, I too once with perepugu postinor have drunk after sex. At me then the delay was month two precisely. This hormonal shock for an organism that here to be surprised. And on the bill of that you are afraid to check up the test or dough, it is strange. On the contrary, it is remarkable, that at us now on sale such tests are, it is not necessary to run at once to the doctor, possible to learn or find out houses. What for so to be afraid, can at you and there is nothing? And if also there is a undesirable pregnancy, it too not a doomsday. Now it is possible to make abortion - enter lekartsvo or a tablet you drink. It seems, Penkrofton is called. But certainly, there is dearly or expensively, nearby 5600 rbl. this procedure.

24.05.2005, 21:20
When to me there were 18 years, I too once with perepugu postinor have drunk after sex. At me then the delay was month two precisely. This hormonal shock for an organism that here to be surprised. And on the bill of that you are afraid to check up the test or dough, it is strange. On the contrary, it is remarkable, that at us now on sale such tests are, it is not necessary to run at once to the doctor, possible to learn or find out houses. What for so to be afraid, can at you and there is nothing? And if also there is a undesirable pregnancy, it too not a doomsday. Now it is possible to make abortion - enter lekartsvo or a tablet you drink. It seems, Penkrofton is called. But certainly, there is dearly or expensively, nearby 5600 rbl. this procedure.

And abortativnaja a tablet, kaneshn, not a hormone, so, type valerjanki that uspokoitstsa and to forget.

26.05.2005, 13:22
At me 22 should begin, but in it day there was a communication or connection. Next day has drunk Pastinor, till now I wait for the beginning svohi female critical days. But they while are not present. I HOPE is not pregnant.

27.05.2005, 20:36
At me already was temka "postinor". I shall remind:

In the middle of a cycle it was necessary to accept postinor since the condom has torn. A tablet has accepted in current of 12 hours.

Cycle of 28-30 days. Last monthly were on May, 20th.

And now a delay 5 days!!!!!


I can appear the pregnant woman in such sitatsii? Terribly! Help or assist! What is it can be?

Generally on how much I know, postinor drink so: one tablet in current of 72 hours after the sexual certificate or act, and then one more in 12 hours after reception of the first... And you only one have drunk or cut?

30.05.2005, 09:27
To me after postinora nyxes did or made, that monthly to cause or call, so I am more such features I do not take a great interest or I am not fond

03.06.2005, 00:35
To Me after postinora nyxes did or made, that monthly to cause or call, so I am more such features I do not take a great interest or I am not fond

Anything to itself...

I few times drank postinor... And fie-fie there were no failures...

07.06.2005, 00:14
Girls, I in general am surprised to such subject. In 1998 I from the book for -gynecologists have learned or have found out, that the CART did not recommend postinor to application, almost have not forbidden because of strong undesirable consequences for a female organism. And recommended more sparing method, usual hormonal the COOK. It is necessary to accept in the certain dose. Then there is menstrualnopodobnaja a reaction.

Little bit more longly, than usual monthly. (itself tried or tasted).

I believe, that postinor gives the same spillovers, that is

Premature menstrualnopodobnuju reaction?

And if so, we accept 1 day of the beginning of a bleeding for 1-st day of a new cycle, and it is expected the following monthly through usual time, 23-30

Days (well, at whom as), and at all arrival monthly that cycle which we have raspingly torn off.

09.06.2005, 07:32
I and earlier probyvala Pastinor, in case of emergency, also was it's OK. But now I already in a panic. Till now monthly is not present

11.06.2005, 23:39
At me already was temka "postinor". I shall remind:

In the middle of a cycle it was necessary to accept postinor since the condom has torn. A tablet has accepted in current of 12 hours.

Cycle of 28-30 days. Last monthly were on May, 20th.

And now a delay 5 days!!!!!


I can appear the pregnant woman in such sitatsii? Terribly! Help or assist! What is it can be?

Pregnancy to exclude it is impossible. At me the girlfriend has flown with postinorom. Well that on early term has learned or has found out about it or this, has had time to interrupt pregnancy with tablets. And on how much I know it far not a rarity - zalyot with postinorom.

17.06.2005, 06:56
I would refrain from reception garmonalnyh preparations,


At my sister was odnoklasnik at school,

There was he small, hudenkim, slabenkim.

The kind uncle the doctor has suggested to make to the boy

Nyxis garmonami body height.

The boy has made a nyxis.

In a graduation class of my sister I have seen it or him:

The boy vymahal in 2 meters, it or he had greater or big

Head, very much greater or big, huge legs or foots, long,

As at the orangutan, an arm or a hand, the powerful or potent case. Features large.

Garmon body height has worked.

However all it was as though from different people,

Also the teratism is disproportionate and like still not,

But very much series. Together from it or this remained

gadenky a deposit.

After I saw its or his father, body height of 165 sm, but is strong

Brought down, developed the man on which it is pleasant

To look or see.

The alive Internet the user hruk

18.06.2005, 14:12
To the boy

Nyxis garmonami body height.

Have compared to the priest to a finger.

20.06.2005, 03:07
Mdja.. I do not get tired to be surprised: it is so much ways precisely the nobility the woman is pregnant or not, and there is such who wait and nadejatsja, and the test or dough do not do or make. Yes. koenchno, the test does not give 100 % uverenosti if so precisely wish to know mozhna to hand over the analysis of a blood on HG

But what for easier or simply to wait and be excruciated by doubts????????!!! I do not understand it or this

The visitor
24.06.2005, 07:50
Tell or Say and postinor this or thus the same that " morning after pill "? And that yesterday I mch seems in me has terminated, now drives to drink " morning after pill " and I am afraid, as it will affect or have an effect my organism. Especially he is not assured or confident where he has precisely terminated, outside or in me.

25.07.2005, 22:16
Tell or Say and postinor this or thus the same that " morning after pill "? And that yesterday I mch seems in me has terminated, now drives to drink " morning after pill " and I am afraid, as it will affect or have an effect my organism. Especially he is not assured or confident where he has precisely terminated, outside or in me.

Yes, how much or as far as I know this or thus one and too.

Yours MCH too the good fellow - he means is not assured or confident, and to you with hormones can zazrja be poisoned or persecuted. Well it is made, it is made. Can this time is better drink postinor, and henceforth to be more cautious.