Просмотр полной версии : Horsefly-mutant! The HELP

27.09.2004, 10:29
The horsefly has bitten. Stings huge: an oval somewhere 10 on 6 (pomerjala. In the past to year were even more), red, burns. All in tochechku. Tochechki, as small ecchymoses, burokrasnye. Gradually the sting turns in ogromnaj an ecchymosis-ecchymosis ((Passes or Takes place very longly ((

The saw telfast, smeared with the rescuer, protivosinjachnoj ointment. All in empty ((

Prompt, mozht who knows, than to spread, that though for a week has passed or has taken place?


27.09.2004, 15:27
To accept "Tavegilum" or "Suprastinum", and it is better poprinimat 3 days.

On a place of a sting to make a grid of an iodine, but not end-to-end to borders of an erythema, and fetching border of a sting. A grid to do or make every day: in the morning and in the evening for the night.


03.10.2004, 03:34
From "national" prescriptions. If there is no allergy on honey - to put or apply a compress from honey half-and-half with vodichkoj. To alternate or interleave to a compress from Calendulae or a camomile. If an edema very hot - to put or apply a cabbage leaf or sheet - very well delays fever and rassasyvaet an ecchymosis.

Sometimes medicines, inogda-national prescriptions, to that that help or assist...

05.10.2004, 09:05
Py. Sy. An iodine it is not necessary. The iodine will aggravate an allergy even more. And she and so on the face.

07.11.2004, 10:16
Very good antigistiaminnoe, an antiallergic and antipruritic agent an agent - finistil (gel, without color and a smell) is on sale in drugstores!

Itself I toil even from a sting of a mosquito, therefore always and everywhere its or his burden with myself!

25.07.2005, 16:46
Thanks for answers. I wrote, that a saw telfast - too antihistamine. The edema slept, fever has passed or has taken place. However a terrible ecchymosis!! Already turns yellow Means, finistil...

Well and "national" we shall try)) To lose there is nothing