Просмотр полной версии : The help, has inflamed an eye: (

12.03.2005, 08:15
Girls, at me such problem: last night on walk to me in an eye any animal has flown (a midge t.e), could not pull out. Strongly he did not disturb me, therefore I undertook nothing, thought with tears will be washed up, an was not present. Has already understood at night, that the eye has swelled up. Has reddened and has festered, hurts strongly Now suppurating already is not present. And I all the same have washed up this fly, but the pain does not pass or take place...

That to do or make, and?

Baba Manya
15.03.2005, 00:34
Descend or Go to the doctor. Will register droplets, as from konjuktivita. Similar that the midge has scratched an eye, and the infection there has got.

21.03.2005, 20:05
It is possible pokapat Albucidum or levomitsitinovye drops.

29.04.2005, 11:36
Albucidum, Unguentum Tetracyclini for the night well helps or assists

25.07.2005, 15:49
I popromyvala tea, a sage or a camomile. Also would blow immediately to the doctor - of eyes do not joke!