Просмотр полной версии : Method folja. Who tried or tasted, heard?

08.04.2005, 09:15

Whether also there are results what?

Humdrum of life
10.04.2005, 21:51
Tried or Tasted - it is known!

In my opinion, nonsense on vegetable oil. It is similar to chiromancy where unequivocal results are sometimes guessed.

Would not recommend. Classical methods diagostiki much more validnee.

Maniasha has not entered
15.04.2005, 12:17
Tried or Tasted!

Results are. And obvious.

The method means selection of medicines (basically a homeopathy)

With the previous author not according to or do not agree all 100. With chiromancy the general or common is not present anything.

All know, that we have points on fingers of arms or hand and the legs or foots, responsible or crucial for separate organs. And so apparatus Folja precisely defines or determines "illness or disease" of the given point and accordingly an organ. Then there is a selection of medicines, influence the given point.

I would tell or say a unique minus - the expensive pleasure.

If the knowing doctor spends - the positive take will be on 100 %. A trouble that for apparatus Folja many fakes and research stand out spend "doctors" of the self-educated person.

At my daughter have defined or determined even presence of parasites in a liver. After a course of homeopathic nyxes - all as an arm or a hand has removed or has taken off. TTT

The traditional medicine, that only did not assume: both colitises and appendicitises and gastric all business or affairs. The poor girl toiled from terrible abdominal pains and terrible constipations.

So I both arms or hand FOR!

05.05.2005, 13:03
I few times passed or took place Folja.

1 time was in medsanchasti, the good doctor, all has told or said correctly, has appointed or nominated an inexpensive chemist's homeopathy and tablets.

2 times any charlatanism. First the cabinet or study of features knows where, secondly "doctor" has not informed me anything informative, operated or worked as the -fortuneteller, asked that hurts and confirmed that an organ of the patient, about what I have not told or said, about that and she has not mentioned. All has reduced to worms of type from all of them illnesses or diseases. Has thirdly appointed or nominated dorogushchuju the alimentary additive which sold there and then. There was simply an admixture cheap dried travok. Continuous charlatanism and frustration is shorter. There is no desire to go to such "doctors" More.

06.05.2005, 10:19
I few times passed or took place Folja.

1 time was in medsanchasti, the good doctor, all has told or said correctly, has appointed or nominated an inexpensive chemist's homeopathy and tablets.

2 times any charlatanism. First the cabinet or study of features knows where, secondly "doctor" has not informed me anything informative, operated or worked as the -fortuneteller, asked that hurts and confirmed that an organ of the patient, about what I have not told or said, about that and she has not mentioned. All has reduced to worms of type from all of them illnesses or diseases. Has thirdly appointed or nominated dorogushchuju the alimentary additive which sold there and then. There was simply an admixture cheap dried travok. Continuous charlatanism and frustration is shorter. There is no desire to go to such "doctors" More.

On Highway of Enthusiasts there was a clinic where very competent doctors worked. The truth I there was 5 years ago. I do not know as now. In the same building there is a drugstore. Sell homeopathic apuly, tablets in this case are less effective.

That that to you was informed by "doctors" are really sharlotanstvo. At the given research to you should give listing, type as an electrocardiogram or EEG. Any doctor- subsequently can read through it or her. At research on a point of a corresponding or meeting organ, drip a drop of a medicine and look as an organ of will conduct, according to it or this and the medicine is appointed or nominated.

24.07.2005, 21:13
I had a cyst on an ovary of the order of 4 sm, after a year course all has passed or has taken place, I uzi did or made And of a long-term allergy have cured