Просмотр полной версии : How correctly to use Logest

22.11.2004, 12:39
Zdrastvujte! Yesterday, in the first day of a menses has started to accept Logest. A question such: I have understood, what the tablet needs to be accepted sootvetstvujuushchuju to day of week, whether it is important from the first line or from the second? Through what time I can not use additional agents of contraception?

22.11.2004, 19:51
I do not think, that without inspection and purpose or appointment of the doctor it is necessary to begin reception of hormonal preparations independently.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

22.11.2004, 21:17
Under condition of if Logest it is appointed or nominated to you by the doctor after corresponding or meeting inspection Logest it is necessary to accept from first day of a menses has no value or meaning;importance from what line you have started it or him to accept. Then the seven-day break in which current is necessary should be menstrualnopodobnaja reaction. Reception of following packing noda to begin after a seven-day break. At correct reception Logesta additional contraception is not necessary

22.11.2004, 22:08
At correct reception from 1 day mens the contraceptive effect will develop to 15 tablet. Up to they be additional methods of contraception. At the beginning after 1 day the contraceptive effect will develop to the beginning of the second pack.

22.07.2005, 22:41
Tell or Say, please... The effect logesta is saved during any period or only when immediately you accept a preparation, excepting other 7 days?

23.07.2005, 15:14
All period of reception and break, but the doctor of the right, in the first cycle of reception additional contraception is desirable.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

23.07.2005, 17:25

Regimen of dosage

Preparation accept on 1 dragee/?OO within 21 days at a time.
Reception Logesta begin in 1-st day of a cycle, using a dragee from a cell marked on corresponding or meeting day of week. After the termination or ending of reception of all 21 dragees from calendar packing the 7-day's break in reception of a preparation during which occurs or happens menstrualnopodobnoe a bleeding follows. Reception of each following packing should be begun after a 7-day's break in reception of a preparation (without dependence from that, has stopped by this time menstrualnopodobnoe a bleeding or not).
At transition it is preferable to begin reception Logesta with the combined peroral contraceptives next day after reception of last active dragee from the previous packing, but at all after next day after a usual 7-day's break in reception (for the preparations containing 21 dragees) or after reception of last inactive dragee (for the preparations containing 28 dragees in packing).
If the woman used the contraceptives containing only gestagen ("-drank") to pass on Logest it is possible in any day (without interruption).
At use inektsionnyh forms of the contraceptives containing only gestagen, Logest start to accept from the date of when the following injection should be made.
At transition with implantatov - in day of its or his excision. In all cases it is necessary to use in addition barrier method of contraception within the first 7 days of reception of a dragee.
After abortion in I a trimester of pregnancy the woman can begin reception of a preparation immediately. In this case the woman does not require additional measures of contraception.
After sorts or labors or in II trimester of pregnancy reception of a preparation should be begun abortion for 21-28 day. If reception is begun later it is necessary to use in addition barrier method of contraception within the first 7 days of reception of a dragee. If the woman lived a sexual life during between sorts or labors or abortion and the beginning of reception Logesta all over again it is necessary to exclude pregnancy or it is necessary to wait the first menses.
If the patient for any reason has not accepted a dragee during habitual time, and from the moment of established or installed time of reception has passed or has taken place less than 12 ch, contraceptive action of a preparation still proceeds, and it is necessary to accept the passed or missed dragee as soon as possible. The following dragee is necessary for accepting during established or installed time. Thus, reception 2 dragees in 1 days is possible or probable In case from the moment of established or installed time of reception has passed or has taken place more than 12 ch, it is necessary to accept the passed or missed dragee immediately. Further continue a course as usually. Thus it is necessary to use additional barrier methods of contraception the next 7 days as in this case contraceptive action of a preparation weakens. If in packing there were less than 7 dragees, reception of a preparation from following packing begins without interruption.

Side effect

From an alimentary system: sometimes - a nausea, a vomiting.
From sexual system: sometimes - intermenstrual krovjanistye allocation (within first several months of reception), changes of vulval or vaginal secretion.
From endocrine system: sometimes - feeling of a strain and augmentation of mammary glands, changes of mass of a body, change libido.
From TSNS: sometimes - depression of mood, headaches, a migraine.
Other: the bad acceptability of contact lenses, a delay of a liquid in an organism, allergic reactions are possible or probable.


- Presence of clottages (venous and arterial) now or in the anamnesis (for example, a deep vein thrombosis of the bottom extremities, a thromboembolism of branches of a pulmonary artery, a myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular disturbances);
- Presence now or in the anamnesis of the statuses previous a clottage (for example, transitional ischemic attacks, a stenocardia);
- A diabetes mellitis with vascular complications;
- Presence of serious or plural risk factors of a venous or arterial clottage;
- Presence now or in the anamnesis of an icterus or serious forms of diseases of a liver (until hepatic tests will not come in norm or rate);
- Presence now or in the anamnesis of tumours of a liver (good-quality or malignant);
- A migraine with a focal neurologic symptomatology (including in the anamnesis);
- A pancreatitis with expressed gipertriglitseridemiej (including in the anamnesis);
- The revealed hormonedependent malignant diseases of genitals or mammary glands (including in the anamnesis);
- vaginalnoe a bleeding of an obscure genesis;
- Pregnancy or suspicion on it or her;
- A lactemia;
- A hypersensibility to components of a preparation.

Pregnancy and lactemia

Logest it is counter-indicative to application at pregnancy.
If necessary applications of a preparation during a lactemia it is necessary to solve the problem on the termination or discontinuance of thoracal feeding. The active substances which are a part of a preparation, in small amounts are allocated with thoracal milk.

Special indicatings

Before the beginning of application of a preparation the woman should pass or take place careful obshchemeditsinskoe and gynecologic inspection (including inspection of mammary glands and the cytologic research of cervical slime) to exclude pregnancy and disturbances of process of coagulation of a blood.
With care appoint or nominate a preparation to patients with a diabetes mellitis, an arterial hypertensia, a varicose phlebectasia, disturbances of function of kidneys, a hysteromyoma, an otosclerosis, a migraine, a multiple sclerosis, an epilepsy, a porphyria, a systemic lupus erythematosus, superfluous mass of a body, fibro a-cystic mastopathy, serious depressions in the anamnesis; at presence in the family anamnesis of thromboembolisms, a chronic heart failure, insults, a cancer of a mammary gland.
The relative risk of development of arterial clottages raises or increases at a combination of application of the combined hormonal contraceptives to such risk factors as the age is more senior than 35 years and smoking. In this connection to smoking women 35 years are more senior is recommended to stop to smoke, if they are measured or going to accept Logest with the purpose of contraception.
The risk of occurrence of clottages also is raised or increased at presence otjagoshchennogo the family anamnesis, an obesity, dislipoproteinemii, an arterial hypertensia, diseases of valves of heart, fibrillation of auricles.
Reception of a preparation stop 6 weeks prior to carrying out of a scheduled operative measure, and also if necessary a long immobilization and renew in 2 weeks after the termination or ending of an immobilization because of the raised or increased risk of a thrombogenesis.
At occurrence of pains in the bottom extremities on a course of veins, edemas of extremities, acute pains or feelings of a prelum or gravity in a breast, a sudden dyspnea or short wind it is necessary to cancel a preparation and to spend inspections for revealing a possible or probable clottage or a thromboembolism.
At application Logesta it is necessary to consider, that on a background of reception of hormonal contraceptives usual current of a menstrual cycle, rectal temperature and properties of cervical slime can change.
At occurrence of a constant dermal itch, strong pains in a bottom of a stomach or belly, strong headaches and migraines, serious depressions, substantial increase of a BP, an acceleration of cramps, at sudden changes of vision, hearing or speech it is necessary to cancel a preparation and to spend additional inspection.
Intermenstrual krovjanistye allocation can arise within first several months of reception and stop after adaptation of an organism to Logestu. At repeated occurrence such vydeleny or augmentation of their intensity it is necessary to spend additional inspection of the patient.
If during a 7-day's break in reception of a dragee is absent menstrualnopodobnoe a bleeding, it is necessary, not renewing reception of a preparation to spend inspection of the patient.
At a vomiting, a diarrhea during 3-4 ch from the moment of reception of a preparation its or his contraceptive effect can decrease. In that case it is necessary to continue reception Logesta and simultaneously to use additional not hormonal methods of contraception.
In case of sochetannogo applications Logesta and Rifampicinum contraceptive effect Logesta decreases, therefore it is necessary to use additional methods of contraception within 4 weeks after the termination or ending of reception of an antibiotic.
The women, the medicinal preparations receiving by a short course influencing efficiency of preparation Logest, should apply temporarily a barrier method of contraception during reception of corresponding or meeting preparations and within 7 days after their cancelling.
To patients at whom arises hloazma, it is necessary to avoid stay on the sun during application of a preparation.


Signs: a nausea, a vomiting, a uterine bleeding.
Treatment: spend symptomatic therapy. The specific antidote is not present.

Medicinal interaction

At simultaneous application Rifampicinum, Ampicillinum, Tetracyclinums, Griseofulvinum, NPVS, Phenytoinum, Fenobarbitalum, Karbamazepinum reduce efficiency Logesta.