Просмотр полной версии : Whether condylomas? The Woman the doctor consult please

16.11.2004, 04:23
In March I had an appendicitis, many antibiotics accepted. Were very plentiful allocation. The input or entrance in a vagina and between a vagina and a proctal or an anal aperture had many outgrowths, all has been inflamed. Used suppositories Clotrimazolum and ointment. Handed over analyses then on flora - the thrush was not. The doctor has told or said that all nrosty are similar to an inflammation at plentiful vydelenijah. I continued to smear with ointment and in 1,5 months all has passed or has taken place. Any outgrowths does not remain. Now the husband has noticed at itself on a bridle small narostiki, 1 mm thickness, or unary, or with branches, as branches at trees. I had something similar. Now I read, and it is very similar to condylomas initial. But no blood vessels in them are present.

Whether condylomas it?

Then at me too they were and have passed or have taken place. Whether it is necessary to us to be treated?

I read an old forum, you advise alpizarinovuju ointment. Whether it is possible to apply it or her?

To the doctor it or him you will not tire out or will not drive. And me to go to be checked up - but now me disturbs by nothing. But on following weeks I descend or go.

The woman-doctor
05.01.2005, 01:24

Similar, really on papilomy or condylomas. They slightly differ on a structure.

In any case, the virus at both of you is. To recover from it or him completely it is impossible. But displays can clean or remove to turn out.

As I already advised, you are right. It is ointment and the same tablets. Also there is spray Epigen.

To worry it is not necessary, the virus is very much at many. I do not think, that there is a greater sense to hand over analyses. Since even, if he will not be defined or determined (he is defined or determined far not always) it does not mean at all, that the virus is not present.


The visitor
22.07.2005, 20:10

Similar, really on papilomy or condylomas. They slightly differ on a structure.

In any case, the virus at both of you is. To recover from it or him completely it is impossible. But displays can clean or remove to turn out.

As I already advised, you are right. It is ointment and the same tablets. Also there is spray Epigen.

To worry it is not necessary, the virus is very much at many. I do not think, that there is a greater sense to hand over analyses. Since even, if he will not be defined or determined (he is defined or determined far not always) it does not mean at all, that the virus is not present.


Thanks you big. You are able to calm