Просмотр полной версии : You accept what vitamins?

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10.03.2005, 16:32
I wish to buy or purchase to myself vitamins, but such choice that has become puzzled. Prompt - what to choose?

Floret alenky
13.03.2005, 16:28
And for what vitamins are necessary to you? For the general or common strengthening an organism, in struggle against stress and delicacy? For appearance? What exactly you interests?

15.03.2005, 09:37
Now I drink multi-Oai? Perinatal. And up to pregnancy accepted (spring) Vitrum Bjuti. It was pleasant to me. Fingernails or nails to grow began well and were not fractured. But also multi-Oai? I too recommend, like good amerkanskie vitamins. And here TSentrum I drank about 2 years ago, any especial effect have not noticed.

15.03.2005, 16:16
Now I accept Vitasharm, for hair and fingernails or nails. And from TSentruma at me heart started to hurt or be ill;be sick

16.03.2005, 11:15
Now pyom with the husband " Elements of a life - Imunnyj " and "Marina-plus". At me fingernails or nails became very strong. Earlier a saw "Alphabet" and more something... I do not remember already, but such effect was not. And still from time to time "Antistress" we accept, when loads nervous drop out on our share. After it or him quiet I become as a boa

About immunity I do not know. Yet we are not ill or sick (ttt)

All infu on these vitamins can be looked or seen here (if that, ask):

http: // www.gloryon.com/GL13fd703225887263a0ec4ed4963532ee/shop/prod.html? prod=00754

http: // www.gloryon.com/GL13fd703225887263a0ec4ed4963532ee/shop/prod.html? prod=00720

http: // www.gloryon.com/GL13fd703225887263a0ec4ed4963532ee/shop/prod.html? prod=00714

:61641 :555

19.03.2005, 06:03
I drink Duavit =) And here from multitabsa all time is it would be desirable =)

*** Och@rov@shk ***
21.03.2005, 00:42
I drink vitrum bjuti

One and a half year ago the saw duovit-has recovered terribly (10 kg) and toshnilo constantly thought that beremena and as a result vitaminchiki have appeared hrenovenkie

21.03.2005, 13:45
I drink the Alphabet. But since it is necessary to accept 3 tablets in day, all time any I forget

Gold-small fish
23.03.2005, 05:59
During pregnancy saw Vitrum prenatal forte, - it is healthy. Now I drink vitrum obychnyj.no not constantly, a course I shall spend on drink, a break 1 months

24.03.2005, 16:46
And for what vitamins are necessary to you? For the general or common strengthening an organism, in struggle against stress and delicacy? For appearance? What exactly you interests?

It would be desirable for the general or common strengthening an organism that winter normally to go through. And beauty-who will refuse?!

25.03.2005, 14:08
Marina-plus??? First time I hear...

At me last time hair and fingernails or nails began to drop out both exfoliated, and exfoliate... The nature likely

But up to a heap still it would be desirable, that the winter is good for transferring or carrying, for colds and proch...

Advice or Councils is?

26.03.2005, 09:12
Marina-plus??? First time I hear...

At me last time hair and fingernails or nails began to drop out both exfoliated, and exfoliate... The nature likely

But up to a heap still it would be desirable, that the winter is good for transferring or carrying, for colds and proch...

Advice or Councils is?

For hair and fingernails or nails - beer yeast with Zincum (a course 1 in a month). For colds - askorbinka.

I have drunk too much of vitamins so much and have come to conclusion what to achieve visible improvements it is better to accept vitamins not in a complex, and by turns. Vit And, E, D - it is possible simultaneously. And groups In - separately. Then it is more than effect.

29.03.2005, 10:50
On-separateness better then liposoluble and water-soluble

29.03.2005, 23:35
I drank TSygopan, it is a complex of minerals, vitamins and more something as if natural, from rozhek a deer, do or make in Russia.

And now I drink spirulinu is an alga, there too +.

However, vitamin C it is necessary to gather additionally separately.

In general iskustvennye vitamins (t.e.himiju) I do not like.

Still heard, good structure in flower pollen, is on sale in the same place where also other products of beekeeping, but still did not try or taste.

01.04.2005, 23:24
I drink multivit kere (Vitalajn) *-it is pleasant very much.

Packing huge suffices for two.

03.04.2005, 19:37
Marina-plus??? First time I hear...

http: // www.gloryon.com/GL9c5e2b828986726e51c77ef2411e2afe/shop/prod.html? prod=00720

Login: 61641 :555

Like jododefitsit would eliminate or erase;remove, but fingernails or nails get stronger ofigenno.

But up to a heap still it would be desirable, that the winter is good for transferring or carrying, for colds and proch...

Advice or Councils is?

http: // www.gloryon.com/GL9c5e2b828986726e51c77ef2411e2afe/shop/prod.html? prod=00754

04.04.2005, 02:56
LightAngel, thanks big! It will be necessary to find in ordinary drugstores... I not pojala - there the prices in roubles or in doll???

08.04.2005, 03:13
Marina-plus??? First time I hear...

At me last time hair and fingernails or nails began to drop out both exfoliated, and exfoliate... The nature likely

But up to a heap still it would be desirable, that the winter is good for transferring or carrying, for colds and proch...

Advice or Councils is?

At me the same problems.. That only did not drink! Also has decided to accept simply separately vitamin C

The visitor
11.04.2005, 02:00
Whether and the truth, what vitamins cannot be accepted simultaneously with milk or dairy products? I heard, that the calcium prevents to be acquired by it or him. In fact many vitamins should be accepted during or after meal, and I like yoghurts, what now to refuse them?

13.04.2005, 18:38
Whether And the truth, what vitamins cannot be accepted simultaneously with milk or dairy products? I heard, that the calcium prevents to be acquired by it or him. In fact many vitamins should be accepted during or after meal, and I like yoghurts, what now to refuse them?

The truth. But you not only eat yoghurt.

16.04.2005, 07:05
About molochn. And vitamins - for the first time I hear!

However I know, that vitamins should be drunk up to 12 days, tk the best usvaivaemost - in the beginning of day!

18.04.2005, 02:41
LightAngel, thanks big! It will be necessary to find in ordinary drugstores... I not pojala - there the prices in roubles or in doll???

In drugstores navrjadli will find. It is production of the Russian mains-operated holding. Extends through a network of managers. Though, in Moscow, apparently, there is a firm shop. Well or through and-is not present to reserve, but it is meaningful, if will buy it is a lot of, and if one rectangular approach traffic pattern delivery will leave more expensively. The prices, by the way, in dollars.

Here the address of shop. Anyway on a site this address is specified, whether I do not know there is now there a shop:

The Moscow shop

The address: Moscow, Spartakovskaja the area, 14, a premise or room 8.

Phone: 8(095) 788-60-41.

Business hours: from 10.00 till .

18.04.2005, 21:10
I earlier quite often a saw "Komplivit" to not hurt or not be ill;not be sick in a cold season and have noticed, that while month I drink them and then month a break - immunity keeps, and then everything, I fall or be ill. According to the doctor the saw of a dragee "Merts", for hair, a skin, has not noticed fingernails or nails, but somehow effect. Now I drink " Vitrum Bjuti " while too special result I do not see though also problems special are not present.

23.04.2005, 06:33
LightAngel then dorogovato it turns out if in dollars But it will be necessary to look or see, can it is real will approach or suit - SPAIBKI!!!

I drink almost all time of winter IMMUNAL! For prophylaxis... Though and not vitamins, but excellent or different support of immunity - it is checked up on itself...

24.04.2005, 09:39
The saw multitabs, seems classical.